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    91Red--I don't know of an index for Gray's but there probably is one; if all else fails, I would contact the editor of Gray's via the website. It would be worth the extra effort. Bob Peters---I hope you enjoy Great Plains--Frazier captures the essence of the Plains. He wrote another book--"The...
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    I read a lot of the sporting classic literature, especially lately with all of this inclement weather. Here are a few of my favorites: "Grouse & Grouse Hunting"--Frank Woolner; "An Affair With Grouse" and "The Upland Shooting Life"-George Bird Evans "Drummer in the Woods"-Burt Spiller "The...
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    What's the Consensus of Pheasant Hunters

    The 20 is good for good shots (and good women shooters too!) but for an all-round pheasant gun I'll take the 16 gauge and 1 1/8 ounces of Remington Express, or in late season /hurricane winds, Boss #5's. The new A5 or the modified choke Model 12 Winchester 16's are easy to carry, hard on the...
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    What would you do?

    Why are we even still on this thread? OP, you must be a slow learner. You know what they say (and I paraphrase here for the sensitive among us)...cheat me once, shame on you...cheat me twice, shame on me!
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    This will not help pheasants

    Thanks to those who have shown concern. Here is what I've done so far: I've called the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Pine Ridge Agency at 605-867-5125; also the Oglala Tribe President, Julian Bear Runner at 605-8675821 as well as the Pine Ridge Agency at 605-407-8101. I regret to let you know I...
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    This will not help pheasants

    I just read on Yahoo News that the Pine Ridge reservation and its environs are in serious difficulty due to this latest storm. Many if not most of the houses on The Rez heat with wood stoves. With this weather (below zero temps, cruel wind and snow drifting and blowing) they can't get wood...
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    What's the Consensus of Pheasant Hunters

    I keep saying this..for a real upland shooter's treat, try a 16 gauge with 1 or preferably for late season, 1 1/8 ounce loads of #5 or #6. The manufacturers are making some nice 16's now...Browning makes the new A5 and Ithaca the model 37. On the used market, there are plenty of mod. choked 16...
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    All things being equal?

    With only 1 ounce of Bismuth, I'd shoot 6's to increase pattern density.
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    Guide /Lodge Reviews?

    There are several different "levels" of "lodges and outfitters". If you want to spend thousands of dollars and really be pampered, high class food, drink and accommodations there are places like Paul Nelson Farms, Gettysburg, SD. We've not done that. For years, and a few steps down from...
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    Need Help on Gun Upgrade!

    The 12 gauge Browning Auto-5 Hunter would be a good choice--mine has never let me down and I hunt pheasants and ducks, as you do. The 3" model is al you need. I have the Mossy Oak Grass Blades camo but that is purely a personal choice. Recoil is mild. Very reliable. A bit more affordable than...
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    Looking good this year!

    The above reports are precisely why I spend most of my time hunting pheasants in Illinois, Iowa and South Dakota. It takes birds to make a bird dog, I'm 70 years old, and Time's A'Wastin'!!
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    Bad Weather, Good Trip!

    In re: shells: My son bought Federal Upland 1 once 20 gauge shells at a small gunshop in Spencer, Iowa for $26.99. I bought a box too. They also had Winchester 9mm 124 grain NATO for $19.99 and I bought those. Brownell's in Grinnell Iowa was a disappointment in both guns and ammo. I bought...
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    Bad Weather, Good Trip!

    My son and I have hunted birds "out west" for almost 20 years, and the weather, for the most part, has been favorable for the majority of those trips. But this last one was an exception. Our first day of hunting was in East Central Illinois, on Saturday November 5. Those of you who hunted in...
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    Best Steakhouse in SD?

    Well, the OP specified steaks so I'd have to go with Cattlemen's Club in Pierre with Mad Mary's as a not-too-distant second. A real favorite of ours as an all-around restaurant is Minerva's in Downtown Sioux Falls; their salad bar is tough to beat too. Don't know if it's still open, but a great...
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    What would you do?

    The foregoing advice is all on target. Your "friend" betrayed a trust. He did it knowingly and with premeditation. There are friends and there are A--Hole Buddies. Pretty clear which category he falls into. Who needs it? Let him go.
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    Full choke lead

    Proper choke for the job can depend on a number of items: How quick you are in general to respond to the flush; at what range are you typically shooting at the bird, are you using a dog and is the dog an experienced rooster-getter, what is the weather doing (strong winds), what gauge do you...
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    Looking good this year!

    You guys must be hunting in the Benton-Newton-Jasper County area. A lot of the GameBird Habitat properties are located there. Up in NC Indiana there are a very few birds; not seeing much so far, so tomorrow morning I'm going to visit my son south of Bloomington, IL and hunt wild birds Saturday...
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    South Dakota Trespass Fee Connections?

    Everyone has to decide for themselves about their tolerance for older farm client once gave me some good advice (for me, anyway): "Always have enough cash that you can bull your way through". This guy, in 1980, had an old 4% fixed interest Federal Land Bank loan that he'd had since...
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    Side by Sides

    I sometimes use a Merkel 1620 (16 gauge on a 20 ga. frame) and it weighs 6 lbs., single trogger, splinter forend, choked ic/mod, wonderful gun to carry. I've shot ducks, roosters and quail with it. Bought it at Scheel's Iowa City in 2003 but haven't seen any more since then.
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    Gas Prices

    We're all free to say what we damn well please on this forum,and accept the consequences if it comes to that. Within the bounds of decency, I won't have someone else patronizing me about what I say or think. No one except webguy has that authority. If I'm punished, so be it.