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    Well I can't say whether the quail are having any nesting success, but the turkeys are doing well as compared to recent years. I flushed a herd at least 12 fuzzy poults and a hen, of the back 40, the poults about 2-3#'s and capable of twenty foot flight and tree landings, accompanied by a group...
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    Intersting discussion on shotgun velocity

    I have been researching loads for shotguns, including pressures, and velocity. Came across tow different studies which indicated that lead loads, ( 97% lead 3% antimony), in excess of approximately 1200 fps, resulted in pellet deformation and correspondent irregular patterns. Tinkering with...
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    Stewing chickens!!!

    Last year was a year of older 2-3 year old birds, no doubt due to less than stellar hatch, but pretty good carry over. Looks like more of the same. My fried pheasant recipe just doesn't cut on these tough old birds, anybody got some recipes for the long spurs?
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    Roundup is hazardous to your helath

    For all you chemical cowboys out there. Might want to read the finally made public research into the real "costs" of Roundup. Of course the Europeans have known this for years,since 2002, and it's even banned by our neighbors to the North,in several provinces. But here we conceal credible...
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    KDWP needs help looking for native species

    If your out and about in the woods and water this summer keep an eye out for Kansas native species of wildlife. There is a list on the KDWP site. They are trying to catalgue the existing native creatures to design a management plan to save them. Most of what we care about is already listed or...
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    Federal Budget cuts directly threaten destruction of USDA conservation programs

    National Bobwhite Iniative is reporting the U.S. house budget committee is recommending the complete defunding USDA contributions toward the Federal open water-open lands-WIHA programs, as well as severe reductions to EQIP, WHIP, and all other USDA conservation programs, a 1 billion dollar bite...
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    Any News from Iowa on Nesting Conditions?

    I was wondering with South Dakota way to wet, Western Kansas way to dry, Eastern Kansas and Nebraska wet, unseasonably cool, with violent hail storms, what are the prospects for Iowa? After three rough years in a row, any hope for better conditions. The rest of us may be in tough shape.
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    Vikes looking for a new home?

    Story copied on the KC Star, from the St Paul Pioneer Press, reports that the management of the Vikes met with the management of AEG, who is considering the construction of a new stadium in Los Angeles for 2014. Maybe the California Terminators or the Raisins?
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    Paul Splittorf

    Royal great lefty and radio/TV color man succumbed today from throat cancer. He was the among the vanguard of really good Royal players, and remade himself as a TV broadcaster, who did Big 12 Basketball, as well as Royal Network TV. He was 64, pitched the first Royal game in history, when he...
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    Pig Ear recall

    Most brands of pig ears treats for dogs which they love! have been recalled due to samonella contamination. It can be spread from the dog to you. Not pleasant, but usually not fatal. Might account for dogs with with vomitig and diareha, humans for that matter.
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    Lesser Prairie Chickens and an energy thirsty public

    Article in the Kansas City Star today, detailing that an energy transmission line proposed for the Dodge City area is being rerouted, due to concerns over disruption of a population of Lesser Prairie Chickens. Cost is horrendous, some 576 million estimated. The change is supported by the KDWP...
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    Safeties, Selectors, and other bugaboos

    I had an opportunity to renew my acquaintence with my Remington 3200, last weekend, and was reminded of what has to be the greatest safety selector switch of all time. Maybe to easy, since no manufacturer since has used it, no doubt due to our suit happy enviornment. Caused me to think about...
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    Anybody ever buy any eggs or chicks off Eggbid?

    I have been watching Eggbid, and intrigued by the availability of Huns, Melanistic Pheasants, heck last spring somebody was selling Prairie Chicken eggs, and another was selling a pair of Ruffed Grouse! Seems a little pricey, anybody do business on this site? What was your experience. Thanks.
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    Quail calling this morning

    Well I could barely believe my ears! For the first time in 5 years, I heard a Bobwhite this morning. Couldn't resist, got out my quail call, and carried on a conversation for a few minutes. Weather has been unseasonably warm, and dare I say it a little dry, but not extreme. Omen of a decent...
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    A few facts of raising pen raised birds

    I think it would be a good idea to give a few guidelines to successfully keeping pen raised birds. I hope everyone will chime in, be as specific as you want to be, or as simple as my first axiom, Like all livestock, birds need and benefit from mineralized salt. My second axiom is you cannot...
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    Missouri Quail- a dismal accessment

    I read the latest issue of the Missouri Conservationist and came away with an unmistakable "glass half empty" view of our long and short term quail prospects. The author, whom I have talked with previously at length, is a dedicated "quail" man and I certainly came away with the feeling that he...
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    Pheasant Fest, The MDC ,The chickens come home to roost

    I see the Missouri Department of Conservation will be prominently involved in Pheasant Fest. This may be our chance to refocus their attention upon quail and pheasants. Maybe an opportunity for the remaining frustrated Missouri quail hunters in attendance to help them get the priorities right...
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    Nesting Season soon upon us.

    Well I had hopes with limited rain and highs in the 70's and 80's but it looks like we are back in the cold wet rainy spring we have endured since 2007. it would sure be nice for this stalled out front to clear out of here by May, give these birds a fighting chance to bring off a decent hatch...
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    The revered 16

    One of the thrills of the off season is shopping for more, new, and better guns. Having sold off an arsenal of Vintage, ( heavy), 12ga. Parkers, Smiths, and Ithaca's. Flush, money burning a hole in my pocket, and fearful that I might waste it on additional savings like the kids college...
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    Likes, dislikes, pet peeves

    I am looking at a lot of O/U's this spring and summer which of course is the biggest thrill, and I have learned I have a few definite ideas about form and function. First I think a gun is meant to shoot, first and foremost, since I am an upland hunter, weight and balance are paramount. I like a...