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    A little or a lot, the saga of hard and fast rules!

    I had a conservation with an earnest young habitat officer, who shall remain anonymous here. Regarding the plant species which not in favor. We agreed on brome and fescue, though neither is banned as noxious invader. Where I had a diversion of the party line, is red cedar, multiflora rose, and...
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    I decided I don't know squat about pheasant hunting!

    Well after 40 some years of this, I have come to the conclusion that the only pheasants I kill, are newbies, confused by the first snow or opening day, or maybe some bird wandering around in who the almighty or random chance decided it was his day! I tried tactics, study the charts in Outdoor...
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    I sure enjoy the Pennsylvania thread!

    Every time I open the forum I make a point to view Pennsylvania! I like the camaraderie and the fact the your involved and making a difference! I remember the glory days of the sixties with a million bird harvest. I have the Bob Bell book on pheasant hunting set in Pennsylvania. I went quail...
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    Quailty birddogs, breeding or training?

    Here a thought I have had reading posts and reviewing many past birddogs. Since it's puppy choosing time, consider this. What is most important, the breeding or the training? I think will all agree, that with all issues in developing a good birddog, we consider everything, breeding, dogs you've...
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    California Quail

    Great photo of a California quail on the Bing home page. That bird is almost to pretty to shoot! or clean, on the other handle they are real good to eat, taste a hint of nuts, acorns I imagine. All the rest of North American quail, all handsome, brave, predictable, and hard to shoot! A devotee...
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    Tip your hat to Ducks Unlimited!

    Thanks to the organization which had the foresight to get out early, in a desperate time to mobilize the resources to save waterfowl. Ironically, they help the upland birds too! I wish we Uplander's had that as well. Taking on the task now, some 80 years after, in a seeming desperate condition...
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    Wheat and pheasants

    Well if you subscribe to the good wheat crop= plenty of pheasants, in Kansas, we got the news that the wheat crop is 26% worse than last year.NW Missouri too. Hope we get a lot of late re-breeding. Good news it won't necessarily hurt the quail!
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    Remington 700

    Well it's a bad day Remington. Accepting a recall of ALL the model 700 bolt action rifles, and a cash settlement. Left a trigger which was unsafe since like 1948, because the alternate design, invented by the same designer, was rejected because the trigger block cost .055 cents per gun! After...
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    I'm a little late with this! I have practiced this since I had my first bird dog in grade school. New dog owners beware of fireworks, especially a young pup. I have never seen them ruined by it, some even like it, to much! run like fools to retrieve or pounce on some, others with disinterested...
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    Happy 4th, Pheasant should be the National Bird

    With all it's celebration, lights, and noise, the pheasant should be our national bird. He is sure colorful enough to create a great a stir, came here like us from "across the pond", makes a lot of noise, and is feisty enough to put up a fight, and believes he is never wrong! If he was our...
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    Memorial Day

    I take time out to go to cemeteries on Memorial Weekend. I like to remember the people who had an influence on our lives. I stop at the War Memorial, say a prayer and say thanks to the veterans who gave us a chance to us to make our country better, I don't want to disappoint them!
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    Unintentional Genocide

    I drove up from Kansas City to Omaha. Was satisfied to see the Missouri Mitigation effort in Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa. Despite farmers claim that the Corp. of Engineers orchestrated the Missouri River flood 4 years ago, (I think?), to force land prices in the flood plain down, and make it...
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    Billion dollars of Iowa topsoil is lost to erosion annually!

    New paper written using soil measurements, stream composition, etc. I guess if the entire billion isn't on your field we can continue on. A 100.00 here? a 100.00 there. Looks like it all adds up.
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    Lexicon of the quail hunter

    In the off season, I think we should have a vocabulary blog. If we are true quail hunters we should use the right southern terms for quail hunting. The quail is a B-U-R-D! , I realize that it is southern vernacular for bird. In the south ALL birds(burds, as it's said), are bobwhite quail. Even...
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    Keep in mind the best habitat for pheasants and quail

    I am working on habitat now, we seem to get bogged down in habitat with food plots, I have this conversation with a club I belong to. One thing that is critical habitat, is what we have little of, nesting and brood cover. If you quiz biologists I am sure you will find that it's the lack of...
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    Ruffed Grouse

    Surprisingly enough my brother in law, saw a pair of ruffed grouse near Manchester, close to the river! They were in the open on a cleared patch of grass, above copious snow! Close enough to timber along the river bank to escape too! Never though they were that far distributed I the state of...
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    Observations of late winter upland birds

    Well in the western part of the state, we got a little moisture, at the expense of brutal cold and higher than average snow level. Early spring, and more importantly a warm spring seem iffy. I take my kids to school about 12 miles each way, across what used to be pretty average quail country...
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    Off season pursuits for better upland hunting.

    Upland bird hunting can be a year long hobby. Forget golf, make yourself a better upland bird hunter. Best pursuit of a successful season, use a "johnny house", to keep birds. Practice makes perfect. Keeps your dogs in shape, re-enforces the pointing or flushing instinct, can even shoot, and...
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    Close of the season, new opportunities ahead!

    I said this on the Missouri forum as well. Good time to run the dogs, make contact with additional land owners, secure permission, a good time to do it! Farmers are home, in the "hot stove" league. Plan some habitat improvements, raise funds for habitat, Pheasants and or Quail Forever, fund...
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    Prepare for "Next" quail season now.

    Lots of good days ahead, cover down, farmers home, good scenting, invigorating walks. Find new opportunities to hunt new ground, locate coveys, where they are now, they will be next year also, sharpen up the dogs, stay healthy, just work with the dogs, don't have to worry about shooting! Plan...