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    New CRP acreage signups

    I heard 50,000 acres of new SAFE CRP got signed up in 8 days in Iowa. Pretty impressive. I think a total of 114,000 new acres were available for sign up. Be interesting to know more about that and if locals know more about the whereabouts. Also heard the Des Moines Water Works lawsuit lost...

    Article 4 in The Case for Pheasants Series from UGUIDE

    The Case for Pheasants - Out of Balance Here is some winter time reading for you enthusiasts.

    More Birds Than Last Year

    I was just putzing around and thought I would check harvest numbers at my farm this year compared to last. I thought they were going to be similar if not a little lower. I was wrong. Thru week 6 in 2015 there were 249 roosters harvested. This year we are at 322 with about the same amount of...

    WOW. Controversial Article on South Dakota Pheasants.

    See the poll please. This should stimulate some interesting debates and new thinking. Really good article.

    The Gun Reports are coming in.....

    ....from Pheasant Camp Lodge and Cattail Haven. I am writing to you from the front porch of the PCL. Absolutely a heavenly evening. The winds have laid down and you can hear everything. Got roosters on my right sounding off and watching my hunters work a milo patch to my left. Just heard 2...

    Good Things Happening in SD

    As much as Game and Fish counts steer people in one direction I know first hand that there are some very good efforts going on in SD that are not reflected in GFP's data. We will see CRP reform and these enrollments of huge fields will dimish in place of more and better optimized acres. Read...

    Great Article from DOW Chemical on UGUIDE

    Published in their Techline Magazine

    Weeks 3,4,7 & 9 Hunts @ UGUIDE 2016

    Several good hunts are still open at UGUIDE this fall. A couple just opened early season like week 3 at Wolf Creek and Week 4 at Gunner's Haven. One was a cancel and the other the outfitter was opening up a week they had for personal use in the past. Also good later season hunts week 7 and 9...

    The Case for Pheasants Part II - We Don't Have a Problem

  10. UGUIDE

    The Case for Pheasants - Precision Conservation

    Part I in a III part Series.....
  11. UGUIDE

    CRP Needs You Now - Please Act

    Calling all Kansan's I have posted the call to action, related to CRP in the farmbill, in the main forum and South Dakota forum. Now I am calling on the Pheasant Brethren in Kansas, being the most heavily used part of the UPH forum, to carry the torch in support of CRP from your state and...
  12. UGUIDE

    CRP Needs You Now - Please Act

    If you are for clean air, clean water, and abundant wildlife you will want to sign the petition to support CRP in the next farm bill. It literally takes 30 seconds to cast your vote for conservation here CRP is at a crossroads with the most recent General Signup being met...
  13. UGUIDE

    CRP Needs You Now - Please Act

    If you are for clean air, clean water, and abundant wildlife you will want to sign the petition to support CRP in the next farm bill. It literally takes 30 seconds to cast your vote for conservation here CRP is at a crossroads with the most recent General Signup being met...
  14. UGUIDE

    Ramping Up for the 2016 SD Pheasant Season

    Time for a new thread. It is at this time of year that the habitat work comes to a halt for the most part and what's done is done. I really never know what's out there until about....December. That's when all the crops are out and the cold weather forces the birds into high quality cover and...
  15. UGUIDE

    Brood Sited....Weather looks good

    Our Faulkton location sited a new brood last week and also some new fawns. 15 forecast looks stellar for the hatch with highs in the 80's and overnight lows in the 60's. Not much rain in the 15 day forecast. If there is as many pheasants as mosquitos you'd better stock up on ammunition.:cheers:
  16. UGUIDE

    Meet the New Burn Boss

    Got the first controlled burns under our belt. Few more to do and lots to learn.
  17. UGUIDE

    CRP on the comeback

    Looks like these markets are finally getting landowners to consider putting acres back to grass. Hearing about a lot of new acres in Iowa. Some CRP rents are very competitive. Selling a Truax drill and have lots of guys calling from Iowa to use it for custom CRP work. Problem is the acres...
  18. UGUIDE

    Fall thistle spraying

    In conjunction with DOW rep on fall milestone applications for thistle I made the first test plot application. We were waiting for hard frost (2 nights at 25 degrees) and then warm up during day for application. Thistles look green and receptive and hope the 15 species of natives are mostly...
  19. UGUIDE

    South Dakota "Habitat Pays" Website Launched Nicely done I think.
  20. UGUIDE

    2 New Programs Launched - CRP

    One is a honey bee mid contract management that offers incentives and cost share to interseed pollinators after a burn or other. Goal is to keep CRP grass more diverse than just grass. Another major new one is CRP for grasslands. 2 million acres planned nation wide. Basically attempting to...