Dog Breed Popularity

The few Goldens I've been around were moderate sized I'd say, not too big to run anyhow. They were family dogs but just brilliant and would pick up a new trick in one evening. Lots of hair though lol
The few Goldens I've been around were moderate sized I'd say, not too big to run anyhow. They were family dogs but just brilliant and would pick up a new trick in one evening. Lots of hair though lol
My 4 year old female has almost less hair than a lab. She picks up a few burrs in her tail, that's about it. Just MACHed her last weekend so she has multiple talents.
Dual titled labs are pretty rare.

What amuses me is hearing of people pay $3500+ for what were called mongrels in my youth.

The whole (fill in the blank) __________oodle or _________apoo thing.

Friend of mine has a wife that sells “registered” Cavapoos for $3500 each and has a long waiting list. Cavalier King Charles x Poodle. 😂
My thoughts exactly. The whole doodle thing is a scam to take folks' money.
I remember seeing goldens as kennel dogs on a few different kind of redneck properties I visited as a kid. At least I’m pretty sure.
I hunt with a guy who runs a Golden. It's the first time I've ever seen one in the field. It is a solid hunting dog. Oddly enough, it's never hunted waterfowl. Only chukar, pheasants, quail and grouse. It is equally talented on any of those birds and in all habitats. It does have a really unique method of grouse hunting. This dog can either see grouse fly into the top of a tree or smell them. So when this dog comes upon a tree with a grouse in it, she will start barking like a coon hound. Every time if you look hard enough there will be a grouse in that tree.

She is a BIG dog though (90 pounds) and 8 years old. I worry and wonder how long a dog that size can keep going?

Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2023 Full List​

1French Bulldog
2Labrador Retriever
3Golden Retriever
4German Shepherd Dog
10German Shorthaired Pointer
11Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12Australian Shepherd
13Yorkshire Terrier
14Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
15Doberman Pinscher
16Cane Corso
17Miniature Schnauzer
19Great Dane
20Shih Tzu
21Bernese Mountain Dog
23Boston Terrier
24Siberian Husky
26Shetland Sheepdog
27English Springer Spaniel
29Miniature American Shepherd
30Cocker Spaniel
31Border Collie
33Belgian Malinois
34Basset Hound
39English Cocker Spaniel
41Rhodesian Ridgeback
43West Highland White Terrier
44Bichon Frise
46Shiba Inu
49Portuguese Water Dog
52Australian Cattle Dog
54Chesapeake Bay Retriever
55Saint Bernard
56Giant Schnauzer
57Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
59Scottish Terrier
61German Wirehaired Pointer
62Italian Greyhound
63Cardigan Welsh Corgi
64Great Pyrenees
65Bull Terrier
66Russell Terrier
67Airedale Terrier
68Cairn Terrier
69Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
70Chinese Shar-Pei
71Alaskan Malamute
72Staffordshire Bull Terrier
73Irish Wolfhound
74Miniature Pinscher
75Boykin Spaniel
76Irish Setter
77Old English Sheepdog
78Biewer Terrier
79Chinese Crested
80Lagotto Romagnolo
82Anatolian Shepherd Dog
83Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
84Dogues de Bordeaux
85Lhasa Apso
86Rat Terrier
87Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
88Chow Chow
90Coton de Tulear
92Brussels Griffon
93Dogo Argentino
94Border Terrier
95American Staffordshire Terrier
96Standard Schnauzer
97English Setter
99Bouviers des Flandres
100Flat-Coated Retriever
102Belgian Tervuren
103Japanese Chin
104Wire Fox Terrier
105Norwich Terrier
106Gordon Setter
107Miniature Bull Terrier
108Tibetan Terrier
110Toy Fox Terrier
111Afghan Hound
112American Hairless Terrier
114Silky Terrier
115Norwegian Elkhound
116Welsh Terrier
117Parson Russell Terrier
118Neapolitan Mastiff
119Spinone Italiano
121Tibetan Spaniel
124Belgian Sheepdog
126Manchester Terrier
128Black Russian Terriers
129American Eskimo Dog
131Black and Tan Coonhound
132Welsh Springer Spaniel
133Smooth Fox Terrier
134Norfolk Terrier
135Finnish Lapphund
137Irish Terrier
138Swedish Vallhund
139Bluetick Coonhound
140Redbone Coonhound
141Russian Toy
142Wirehaired Vizsla
143Tibetan Mastiff
144Spanish Water Dog
145English Toy Spaniel
146Icelandic Sheepdog
147Field Spaniel
148Clumber Spaniel
149Bedlington Terrier
151German Pinscher
152Bracco Italiano
153Lakeland Terrier
154Bearded Collie
155Treeing Walker Coonhound
156Australian Terrier
157Berger Picard
158Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
160Kerry Blue Terrier
161Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
163Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
165Irish Red and White Setter
166Ibizan Hound
167Curly-Coated Retriever
168American Water Spaniel
169Sealyham Terrier
170Glen of Imaal Terrier
171Scottish Deerhound
174Sussex Spaniel
175Norwegian Buhund
176Pharaoh Hound
177Irish Water Spaniel
178American English Coonhound
181Plott Hound
182American Foxhound
183Entlebucher Mountain Dog
184Cirnechi dell’Etna
185Skye Terrier
186Dandie Dinmont Terrier
187Pyrenean Shepherd
188Bergamasco Sheepdog
191Canaan Dog
192Cesky Terrier
193Polish Lowland Sheepdog
194Finnish Spitz
195Belgian Laekenois
197Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
198Norwegian Lundehund
199English Foxhound
Most people do not get a dog for hunting purposes. That's pretty obvious. In the top 20 most popular dog breeds, I would say 3 (maybe 4 if you include the beagle) are hunting breeds.

I've also never even heard of many of these breeds listed.
The first one I did not recognize is
78Biewer Terrier

next was

But I like watching the Dog Show on TV.
I was going to start a thread on this when I just happened across French bulldogs overtaking labs. Wild, for multiple reasons.
Dual titled labs are pretty rare.
The more I am in the Lab game the more I see dual and triple titled Labs. Mind you, I am 99% looking at it from the Pointing Lab world and those breeders. My boy is titled in AKC and APLA. His dad was the same, and the mom was APLA only. Some of the major breed studs are AKC, APLA, and HRC titled.
I think that there are more labs than frenchies. They are going off the number of AKC registrations. I have had labs my whole life. AKC breedings with sire a field trial champion and female a master hunter. They are great breedings with all health clearances. I don't do field trials or hunt tests or breed them, so I dont do the AKC registration. I know tons of people that dont register their labs. Heck my daughter has 2 unregistered

I think frenchie owners are a bit.... gucci. They are the type that get their dogs registered. 😄😄
I was going to start a thread on this when I just happened across French bulldogs overtaking labs. Wild, for multiple reasons.
I dated someone in the past with a French Bulldog. She told me she paid 5 grand for the dog, and I thought it was the worst dog I've ever been around haha the dog itself was fine, but man the drooling, the snoring, loud breathing, the separation anxiety (which is apparently very common in the breed), the gas they have is unreal. Just an unpleasant dog all around, despite it being an okay dog haha
I dated someone in the past with a French Bulldog. She told me she paid 5 grand for the dog, and I thought it was the worst dog I've ever been around haha the dog itself was fine, but man the drooling, the snoring, loud breathing, the separation anxiety (which is apparently very common in the breed), the gas they have is unreal. Just an unpleasant dog all around, despite it being an okay dog haha
Everyone is free to choose whatever dog they want. I'm just shocked more people would choose a French Bulldog over a lab. My only guess is high population density in cities, where people want smaller dogs.
The more I am in the Lab game the more I see dual and triple titled Labs. Mind you, I am 99% looking at it from the Pointing Lab world and those breeders. My boy is titled in AKC and APLA. His dad was the same, and the mom was APLA only. Some of the major breed studs are AKC, APLA, and HRC titled.
Actually that post was concerning dual titled as in AKC show champion with a field championship title. Not too many show dogs are FTC and vice versa.
Don”t breeders have to register the litter regardless of whether you choose to register the individual dog or not. I’ve never registered any of my personal dogs except for maybe one?
I’ve always said that my dogs had a job. But that’s kind of a crock 20 maybe 30 days a year. Definitely part time. I guess some of these other breeds have a job too and that’s to make their owners happy. I know several people with frenchies.
I saw that boykins jumped a bunch of spots again this year I hate to see that. I hope that neither one of my breeds ever crack the top 50
Spayed and Neutered dogs cannot be AKC titled (field or show) other that the junior, senior, master hunter titles ??