Recent content by Prairie Drifter

  1. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Went through hell getting my email confirmed. Been working on it for a couple of months. Received .18 yesterday. Town had .5 in the first rain and maybe more after. Can't seem to buy a good rain. Lake is down 3 feet. Been trying to fill it since August last year. Went down 10 inches in...
  2. Prairie Drifter

    Kansas English Setter Puppies

    I do still have this female available.
  3. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Storms snuck up on us yesterday. Got .09, the .01, then .32 for a total of .42. Just planted Japanese millet in the marshes this week. This rain should bring all that up and give it a kickstart!
  4. Prairie Drifter

    Kansas English Setter Puppies

    Thanks for asking KY! Here she is.
  5. Prairie Drifter

    Kansas English Setter Puppies

    July 8, 2024 and I do have 1 tricolored female available!
  6. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Had 4.1 on the 30th, .53 on the 2nd and .12 on the 7th. Looking better.
  7. Prairie Drifter

    Food plot failure

    Might try using German Millet and drilling it over the row crop planter. It would put more seed out there and with the smaller seed, it would be harder to find.
  8. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    We got .78 Saturday night. Nice rain, but still no runoff to fill ponds or the lake. I drove to Ellsworth yesterday and from around Sterling, north, the creeks were bank full and water was standing in the fields! That 3-6 inches they got might be more than a fella needs!!!
  9. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Glad you are finally getting some significant rain! We received .11 on the 25th, .07 on the 28, .56 on the 30th, and .35 this morning. Total for May was 3.5 inches. Still haven't gotten any run off. Biggest rain so far is .82. Lake is still 2 feet low and some of the ponds are still down to...
  10. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    We added another .68 from yesterday's big storm. Maynard, hoping for a reprieve for you soon!
  11. Prairie Drifter

    English Setter Puppies-Kansas

    I repeated last year's breeding of Torch X Quill. I have 1 male and 1 female left. Both should be tricolors if folks remain where they have said they were on desires. These are older bloodlines that have been producing excellent hunting and trial dogs since the 1970's. My email is...
  12. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Hope that the forecasters are wrong about today and tonight. I don't need 80 mph winds. I've already had 2 big chunks of trees fall in the yard. Both are 16 to 30 inches thick. One is really close to the kennel and hung up in another tree. It's leaning away, so I hope it doesn't back up.
  13. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    WooHoo, add another .01 and .42 from the last two days.
  14. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    We received another .80 yesterday. It has increased the inflows to the lake a bit, but most of it went in the ground. Came really slow and nice!
  15. Prairie Drifter

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Added .82 last night. Hoping for more through Monday!!!