Recent content by Drew

  1. Drew

    Early 1950's Browning Light 12 Gauge Shotgun Potentially for Sale

    My fault, I looked in my gun cabinet and somehow have 5 shotguns not three.
  2. Drew

    Early 1950's Browning Light 12 Gauge Shotgun Potentially for Sale

    I have three shotguns and don't need but one and a backup. I shoot the Browning reasonably well but I have a Remington that I shoot really well with and right before I gained the Browning I picked up a new Stevens Auto and I really like that gun.
  3. Drew

    Early 1950's Browning Light 12 Gauge Shotgun Potentially for Sale

    Great advice. Thanks.
  4. Drew

    Man I really miss it already

    Great post Bob!! You sound truly blessed. I hope everyone finds something to pass the time until next season!!
  5. Drew

    Early 1950's Browning Light 12 Gauge Shotgun Potentially for Sale

    It has the original butt plate with it. I took it off to clean it up.
  6. Drew

    Early 1950's Browning Light 12 Gauge Shotgun Potentially for Sale

    I inherited a 1950's Browning Light 12 a couple of years ago. I cleaned it up and used it last year off and on. I shot well with it and it performed well. I refinished it but didn't get several scratches out of the wood, so I will most likely go over the wood again and do a better job. That...
  7. Drew

    Pointer or flusher debate

    This has been a very entertaining post. I have owned both pointers and flushers and have hunted beside them both my entire life. When I was a kid, my folks got a cocker spaniel as a house dog. I lived in eastern Oregon at the time in the 70's and 80's and there were lots of pheasants and...
  8. Drew

    20ga or 12ga for upland birds

    I’m sure he did. He also used a rat terrier as his hunting dog. Needless to say, he was not like most folks.
  9. Drew

    Federal land use.

    I live in the west and believe that with the new administration, this has a better than fair chance of moving forward. In my state the governor down to state agency heads have been nose deep in this issue for more than a decade. Now with a federal administration that is busy shrinking federal a...
  10. Drew

    20ga or 12ga for upland birds

    Not agreeing or disagreeing, but my Gpa in Iowa when I was a kid, only had two pheasant guns. He had a 410 and a .22 revolver. He killed a lot of pheasants.
  11. Drew

    English setter lines

    What type of hunter are you? What bird species are you pursuing?
  12. Drew

    English setter lines

  13. Drew

    Post your pictures

    A few more memorable photos.
  14. Drew


    Alright everyone, this might sound crazy as hell. My Dad always said that if you look good you shoot good. I’m not talking about tweed or any Orvis crap. His point was that you need good boots, quality shells, a good dog and a gun that fits. I have used this advise whether I’m fishing or...