Recent content by akp

  1. akp

    20 gauge ammo for quail

    I have a single stage MEC and the AA's aren't much more than the cheaper loads so I get them for reloading as well.
  2. akp

    GSP Puppies for Sale Wamego KS

    Holy cow! That is quite a batch of puppies. They look great!
  3. akp

    Garmin Alpha 300 Lanyard

    I attach my handheld to my right shoulder (I'm left handed) using the garmin clip that came with the unit.
  4. akp

    Do any of you use a watch to connect to the Garmin Alpha 300

    I have an Instinct. I like it. I really don't need any of the bells and whistles. Sometimes it seems to have a mind of its own and I have trouble getting back to the time screen. Now, in defense of the watch, I've never really read all of the directions. I just don't have any use for all of...
  5. akp

    AL 48

    It's basically an auto 5 copy. Keep the mag tube lightly oiled and it'll work great. Remington made a 48 as well after the Browning patent expired.
  6. akp

    20 gauge ammo for quail

    AA 8s. I’ve used 7.5 a lot as well. I don’t notice much of a difference.
  7. akp

    Bobwhite coveys

    Coveys in one particular place aren't necessarily birds from the previous year. They can move quite a distance during the fall shuffle. On top of that the mortality is usually in the 70 percent range or so. Having said that, it would be dependent on the weather. Probably 5 or so as said...
  8. akp

    Pointer or flusher debate

    Point, creep, point, creep, point, creep.....pheasants running. Point, flush... quail holding. Maybe not running but it is moving away from you and the dog. Maybe it finally holds or maybe it gets up 50 to 100 yards ahead of you. Had it happen a lot. That's what I mean when i think of a...
  9. akp

    Pointer or flusher debate

    After my experience this year with my shorthairs and crazy thick cattails, I would want a flusher if I strictly hunted pheasants in that kind of cover. Haven't seen many others mention this on here. Not good when your pointer is down in cover so thick you can't get to them. I get it that the...
  10. akp

    Loosing birds

    Maybe your gucci grabass labs are too soft from riding in the vehicle with you? A good dog box will toughen them up a bit.
  11. akp

    Loosing birds

    It would appear that the Auto 5 is glued to the wall.
  12. akp

    Loosing birds

    Did the dogs have any trouble finding the bass or the turkey?
  13. akp

    Vest suggestions

    I have been using a Q5 for 10 years now. Great vest. Tough. I will say it is difficult to load a pheasant in the back of it. Quail are easy but its difficult to get a rooster back there with one arm. Does not have front load.
  14. akp


    Tell them no. Nick them if I need to. Had a guy years ago shoot a jackrabbit in front of my bird dog. It squealed and she freaked out. I had steam coming out of my ears. Other than that I’ve never had one shot in front of my dogs.
  15. akp

    When was the golden age of pheasant hunting?

    For me hunting in Kansas it would’ve been early to mid 2000s.