At what age you cut down dogs?

Not sure what you are asking, number of dogs in the field at the same time or number of dogs owned? I'm 57 and will run up to three or four dogs at a time in pheasant country. When grouse hunting only run one dog at a time. I currently have 4 dogs.
I’m 73 and while I only hunt one dog at a time I had 4 working dogs this season. Now mostly retired I can hunt more and need more due to an extended season and injuries. When I was working and only got to hunt a couple weeks a year 2 was fine.
I always try to have two dogs of hunting age at all times. Often own three dogs (puppy, retired dog, etc).

I rarely hunt the two dogs together. One dog with one, two or maybe on occasion three hunters is all that is really needed. I like to rotate dogs because it keeps them fresh.