Hey all, well looks like the season maybe over for most of us in the state. We got hit hard again yesterday and last night. 12++" of snow, high winds and plenty of deep drifts (got a 5 footer in front on my front steps). This one is going to really be tough on the birds, a lot of the cover is snowed in, feed covered up, just plain bad! The birds should be able to get cover in wind breaks and some wood lots, but the cattails are all covered up. They should be able to get feed in silage yards and spilled grain from storage bins, but out on the prairies and open areas they are going to suffer.
My son and I went out on Christmas Eve day, snow was knee to thigh deep, very hard walking and the birds were spooky as all get out. As there is only two weeks left to hunt and getting around is almost impossible, I think I'm hanging it up for the year. Besides the birds need a break and need to recoup as best they can.
I've had a good year, better than last year so no complaints. As pheasants are a resilient birds, we can only hope for a good nesting season in the spring......and NO more storms. Keep your fingers crossed!
All the best to you all!
My son and I went out on Christmas Eve day, snow was knee to thigh deep, very hard walking and the birds were spooky as all get out. As there is only two weeks left to hunt and getting around is almost impossible, I think I'm hanging it up for the year. Besides the birds need a break and need to recoup as best they can.
I've had a good year, better than last year so no complaints. As pheasants are a resilient birds, we can only hope for a good nesting season in the spring......and NO more storms. Keep your fingers crossed!
All the best to you all!