Youth Opener

I start a thread about the youth opener each season. There aren't usually many responses, but I'm starting another one anyway.

How many of you know about the longest tail-feather contest that KDWP is putting on? KDWP will give a lifetime hunting license to the youth with the longest tailfeather after the youth opener. Feathers are to be submitted in Russel by the Wednesday following the opener.

How many are planning to take advantage of the low pressure youth season? Where are you thinking about hunting (region or county)? The area I choose is contingient upon the weather. If it is below 20, I will take the boys (and hopefully a girl) W on I-70 past Russel, then go N or S about 45 minutes and pick a WIHA spot. If it is a bit warmer, I'll most likely drive up to Marshall/Washington county and see if we can find some quail and a couple of roosters......hopefully it gets cold or SNOWS!!!

Thanks to all who plan to take a youth out for this very special opportunity:thumbsup:
youth opener

I usually take 8-10 boys with their dads. We'll hunt private ground right outside of Liberal. It's always the hunt that I enjoy the most all season.
I'm going to take my little brother up around Valley Falls, I took my lab up there just to run her on the WIHA around Lake Perry and she flushed around 20 roosters! We havent had very good numbers for about 15 years but hopefully the tide is turning!
It simply wasn't cool enough to drive out to pheasant country today. I chose to stay relatively close to home and hunt with a good friend from the site. We hunted up in Clay county and had a great time. The 14/yo cousin couldn't do the shooting for us, so I drafted my 7/yo son. He didn't get an opportunity to pull the trigger b/c he's a bit slow on the draw. This is, after all, his first trip w/ a real gun. We saw only 1 covey of quail (yes, I'm thankful...just thought we'd see more) and about 10 pheasants. I don't like the heat, but it was a very nice morning to have a little guy out. Great pre-season excercise for the dogs. Looks like I'll be able to shoot a couple of roosters this year w/o driving any further than Salina.

Can't wait to hear some reports from all of you! Just shy of 7 days and it's daddy's turn.
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Did you get any good points kb? I bet it was a hot one and one more question were the crops out?

Some of the crops are out. Most corn and bean fields were cut, still lots of milo standing. We did see a couple of points on quail, but none on the roosters. The hens were running, so you can imagine how challenging it was to get up on the roosters.
I also thought it was to hot to head west, so I took my 14 year old son and my 11 month old brittany to Quail creek in Linn County KS. We had a Great morning hunt with a lot of good work by the pup which helped my son bag his first Rooster. :thumbsup:
Some of the crops are out. Most corn and bean fields were cut, still lots of milo standing. We did see a couple of points on quail, but none on the roosters. The hens were running, so you can imagine how challenging it was to get up on the roosters.

KB, you know how those roosters love to hang out in the standing milo all day. Glad you guys had a great hunt.
I also thought it was to hot to head west, so I took my 14 year old son and my 11 month old brittany to Quail creek in Linn County KS. We had a Great morning hunt with a lot of good work by the pup which helped my son bag his first Rooster. :thumbsup:

was that a preserve hunt jayhawk? i didnt think linn county had pheasants?
Valley Falls Birds

NElabaholic, I have a farm outside Valley Falls. Did you all see any quail? My farmer said they have been seeing some birds, but 20 Pheasants is AWESOME for that area!!!!!Also there is a WIHA on the Jeff Co and Jackson Co line that is a good spot. Try it. Easy walk for kids.. I am heading up there today to run my dogs and see what we can find.

Kick'em Up & Knock'em Down!
No pheasants in Linn county unless you're at a preserve. I will say that Gary at Quail creek can give you a very realistic hunt if that is what you're after, or he can make it easier for those who would prefer that. We had a great day of preparing both the dog and my son for next week.
I start a thread about the youth opener each season. There aren't usually many responses, but I'm starting another one anyway.

How many of you know about the longest tail-feather contest that KDWP is putting on? KDWP will give a lifetime hunting license to the youth with the longest tailfeather after the youth opener. Feathers are to be submitted in Russel by the Wednesday following the opener.

How many are planning to take advantage of the low pressure youth season? Where are you thinking about hunting (region or county)? The area I choose is contingient upon the weather. If it is below 20, I will take the boys (and hopefully a girl) W on I-70 past Russel, then go N or S about 45 minutes and pick a WIHA spot. If it is a bit warmer, I'll most likely drive up to Marshall/Washington county and see if we can find some quail and a couple of roosters......hopefully it gets cold or SNOWS!!!

Thanks to all who plan to take a youth out for this very special opportunity:thumbsup:

I hadn't heard about the tail feather contest for youth. There appear to be a couple different contests. Here is the info I found on the KDPW website:

Norton, McPherson Pheasants Forever Chapters sponsor events
NORTON â?? The Longspur Chapter of Pheasants Forever (PF) in Norton challenges all area youth 16 and younger to enter the long tail feather contest following the 2009 youth pheasant and quail season, Nov. 7-8. Participants are asked to pluck the longest tail feather on the birds they bag and bring them to End Zone Sports and Office Supplies in Norton to enter the contest. Resident entrants have a chance to win a Kansas Lifetime Hunting license.

Feathers entered must be from a rooster pheasant harvested during the Nov. 7-8 season and must be turned in by Wednesday, Nov. 11. The winning feather will be determined by the local Pheasants Forever Committee and the winner announced at the 18th Annual PF Banquet at the Eagles Lodge on Nov. 13. Entrants need not be present to win.

For more information, phone Brock Miller at 785-202-1312.

Another long tail feather contest will be sponsored by the McPherson Area Pheasants Forever Chapter at Heartland Outdoors in Hutchinson. The winner of this contest will receive a new Remington shotgun. The rules are the same as the Norton event, except that each participant may only enter one tail feather, which must be brought to Heartland Outdoors on Nov. 7 or 8 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday or from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.

The youngster submitting the longest tail feather will win a 12-gauge Remington 870 Express shotgun provided by the McPherson Area Pheasants Forever Chapter.

For more information on the McPherson event, phone 316-772-2702, 316-772-2704, or 620-664-6103.


Longest Pheasant Tail Feather Youth Contest
Location: Reno County

Type: Youth Pheasant Challenge

Dates: 11/07/09 - 11/08/09

Contact: Steve Adams

Phone No: 316-772-2702

Other Information:

Sponsored by

McPherson Area Pheasants Forever Chapter # 510

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks

Heartland Outdoors, Hutchinson, Kansas


Youth 16 and younger are eligible
Pheasant tail feather must be harvested by youth during Youth Upland Season (Nov 7-8)
One tail feather per youth can be submitted
Pheasant (Not just tail feather) must be brought to Heartland Outdoors on November 7 or 8 between the hours of 9am-8pm on Saturday and 12-5pm on Sunday
Youth submitting longest tail feather will receive a 12 gauge Remington 870 express

Shotgun provided by McPherson Area Pheasants Forever Chapter #510


Hopefully some you your youth can win these!

Good luck,
Kick them up,

You will be amazed how much our dogs' faces look alike when you see my brit in the same pose. I'll have to dig up the pic and send it to you. She looks exactly like the dog in your post.
NElabaholic, I have a farm outside Valley Falls. Did you all see any quail? My farmer said they have been seeing some birds, but 20 Pheasants is AWESOME for that area!!!!!Also there is a WIHA on the Jeff Co and Jackson Co line that is a good spot. Try it. Easy walk for kids.. I am heading up there today to run my dogs and see what we can find.

Kick'em Up & Knock'em Down!
i also have been hearing good things about the area!I never have hunted it but may try it a day or to only about an hour or so away.Few guys that i work with live in that area andf they say they see them all the time.
Went back out today w/ the little man. We woke momma, baby brother, and Tate (new GSP pup) up just before sun-rise and headed to a WIHA patch 20 mi. from home. I didn't know what to expect as I'd never been there before, but I was elated to find that it was prime upland habitat when I arrived. There was a draw that bordered a small hay meadow that provided easy walking for the youngsters and the lady. We made it to a thicket about 40 yards off the road and my GWP locked up. 3 waves of between 6-10 and several single quail began to flush, but the boy couldn't see to shoot through the trees. We followed them across a CRP field to start finding singles. The pup was very excited about the goings on and insisted we bring him along. We ended up finding about 10 singles down in the trees. The boy finally got a shot off, over a GWP point, but didn't connect (I don't think dad could've got that bird). Either way, my hopes are higher than they've been in years for local quail populations. There's hope for finding some roosters w/o driving 4 hours W this year too!! :cheers:

6 MORE DAYS:cheers::thumbsup::D:):eek:
kick them up, I did see a few quail but they werent in the field :( They were coveyed up in the ditch as was leaving, as for Pheasants We saw one lone rooster but like you said seeing anything around our area is pretty awesome! What number on the WIHA Atlas are ya talkin about cause that would be great for my little brother he has a foot problem!
Hey KB, sounds like you had a great time! Good to hear you saw birds. To bad the young man didn't connect, but will in time!:cheers:

We took a dozen kids out to some WIHA properties near the Byron Walker Wildlife area. We saw 2 rooster and 6 hens on the first field and moved 3 roosters and 4 hens on the 2nd. Kids got some shots but we didn't knock any down. We did flush 3 birds towards another group and they knocked one down.

Kids had a great time. One pair of brothers hunted with us for their first hunt. Their mother asked us to be sure to let them know when the next hunt was.

We're looking forward to getting more kids out this fall!

Mike C.
Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors, Inc.
I took a group of 7 boys ranging in age from 12 to 16 along with 6 dads and 1 grandpa on Sat afternoon. Two of the boys shot their first pheasants. The birds were pleantiful lots of shooting. Weather was too warm for the dogs to be effective.
birds were pleantiful lots of shooting. Weather was too warm for the dogs to be effective.

First, that is awesome!! Thanks for introducing new folks to the sport and sharing your story. I'm glad a couple of them connected.

We found the weather too warm for the dogs to be effective (at least on pheasants) as well. Looks like "our" opener will be a bit cooler and hopefully we'll have some moisture to work with. 4 more days till I'm in pheasant country!!