Youth Hunt Report

So let me get this straight.
If there is a ten bird covey on a piece of land and i shoot five the first day of the season, and then i come back and find them the next week and shoot three, i will have little to zero impact on the carryover of birds to the next season? Sounds like i had quite an impact on the carryover...

Yes, you will have little effect on the long term population of quail on that property. If the covey gets small enough it will join up with another close by...theres other studies that show this, Troy has posted links to it etc.

The life expectancy of the bobwhite quail is less than one year.

Quail Forever said:
The average annual home range size is around 40 acres but, depending on habitat quality, home range size can vary from 10 acres to more than 200 acres. Annual mortality rates may reach 70-80% depending on habitat quality, weather, predator densities, hunting pressure and other variables. Providing high quality habitat at all seasons of the year best controls predation on bobwhites.

Thats just a quick blurb but many more pieces of information can be found with some reading/searching to support this.

As stated I dont condone killing every quail just because most do not live very long, but I always want to slap my head and the other persons when I hear, "Man, when I was younger we could hunt for a couple hours and get our limit of quail, now there are none left to hunt, I just dont know what happened." Its the Habitat stupid. Im preaching to the choir on this site, that I know, its just frustrating for those in the ag community. If there were small changes made in farming practices or in how the CRP program is implemented, it could be very beneficial to Mr Bobwhite, Mr pheasant, rural communities and to Mr Farmer.