Your take on a common shooting problem

Shooting Refresher

I KNOW that everyone has been diligent in their off season practice, all cobwebs are long gone and they are ready to shoot straight. However, in the off chance that some of us haven't been as good with the practice as we should of been, I'm posting so that this topic returns to the top of the page. This thread holds some FANTASTIC shooting advice from a whole bunch of talented and experienced hunters. I enjoyed the posts and used them to fix some of my common shooting problems. Hope to see some of ya out there..
Ok gents,

My turn to sling my opinion around.

We miss because of lack of practice. If you shot 100rounds each and every weekend at a Sporting Clays you will miss a lot less. Shooting is like any other sport... practice makes better! So if you are really struggling, get out there and dedicate a whole summer to shooting better. Start the summer with lessons from a pro and get follow up training.

It takes shotgun shells to become a better shotgunner!:10sign:

Just sharing what has worked for me!