You guys disappoint me.


Super Moderator
Where is the Dayton 500 post? All football season long I have to hear about Brett however the heck or some other guy I could care less about. And today is the greatest sporting event ever and no one even bothers to post anything about it. Sad simply sad.
To each his own Moe, I could care less about the 500. Why didn't you start a thread on it?.......Bob
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I got mad the senate had time to pass the sponsoring of the army car:) What a waste of taxpayers money:) Army should have a half hour show where they just blow stuff up:thumbsup:
They turned that sport into a joke. Lucky dog if you get laped:confused: why give you a lap back for doing nothing? My dogs put on a better show chasing rabbits:D
That reminds me I better get to work helping the Vikings again:)
I use to like NASCAR when the automakers ran their own cars back in the 80's. Now the cars are nothing but cookie cutters, I'll stick to World of outlaw sprints / late models and football :thumbsup:
I'm with you Moe, watched the whole race, had a big family get
together 30+ people. Everyone enjoying the great game feed including smoked slamon venison meatballs rabbit stew venison stroganoff smoked SD pheasant. Played some texas holdem as well even drank some hillbilly lemonade. You can have the superbowl give me a half hour of the commercials thats enough for me. It was an ok race was going good til my 88 got caught up with Rob Gordon thought it would havebeen awsome for him to win on the anniversary of his dads death and I think he had a shot even with the tire issue. Trevor Bayne winning was alright I guess cool that a young guy can come in and pull off something so big. I did not really care for this two car hook ups I think it took something away from the racing IMO.:cheers: what did you think?
I kind of liked the two car hook up, it has grown on me. There seemed to be more racing going on than when it is just two long lines racing around.
I enjoy watching Nascar to a point. My in-laws were up here, My father in law and myself watched the whole race. I have a friend in Rapid City SD that races, has a tractor trailer to travel around in with his car and everything. Even living headquarters built in it. I enjoyed watching the Ford's win.......

Carl Edwards just about pulled it off, but Bayne made a heck of a move to hold him off. I'm not sure about the cars pushing each other, and the teamwork of it all. I'd like to see them all just racing against each other the whole race, and not pushing each other, but I guess that's racing......
That racing kind of reminded me When I use two hook to wagons together to hual grain:D Not alot of excitement there neither:)

They should use SR. as the poster child for wearing your seat belt. If he would of had it tight he would still be here. I kind of miss him crying when he got bumped:)
I was about a big a Nascar fan as you could get at one time. Now it's a joke. Can't even tell the cars apart. Then they let Toyota in. For Chist sakes. They don't even make a push rod engine. Then they make one just for Nascar. What a crock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's more like IROC now. Nowbody can even pass without the help of aerodynamics of several cars running together. I liked the day you could see Bill Elliot lap the field running 230 MPH. Now it's lets make everybody a winner. Boo Hoo bunch of cry babies.
It amazes me that tracks that actually takes driver skill like the rock darlington lose races. But the most boring tracks they keep. I call nascar commercial car. Maybe they should give little E a 3 lap head start so he can win:D They'll have to change the fords this week can't have them winning.
Jr. didnt win again. budwieser was bought by a the austrians, GM is owned by the govt. now if we could come up with a sick dog we would have the makings for a grammy winning country song.:cheers:
That racing kind of reminded me When I use two hook to wagons together to hual grain:D Not alot of excitement there neither:)


If you will just turn to the dark-side of agriculture you could experience the same thing today with a semi and a pup.
Jr. didnt win again. budwieser was bought by a the austrians, GM is owned by the govt. now if we could come up with a sick dog we would have the makings for a grammy winning country song.:cheers:

Oh boy I get to write a song:thumbsup:


What have you done to me
You're so boring you make me look forward in taking a pee
When are you ever going to start a race on time
And why do your drivers like to whine

Every sunday I sleep on the couch
In the hopes when I wake I'll miss something great
but like ussual the racing looked fake

All the money I spend on your cheap S#@*
so your sponsor can make more ching
What ever happened to the need for speed
Now the racings all about greed

the drivers make millions whether they finish first or last
And all I get for cheering them is a bad case of gas
please nascar car wake up
and turn your racing back to the WINSTON CUP

Spent my last dime on jr.s hat
so I had to feed browndog my neighbors cat

Best I can do guys
I got the dog in their for BC