Xmas Hunt 2016.....

Well we gave it a shot, no pheasant is worth the travel risk......Until next year, wishing all of you a happy new year.
Well its the day after xmas and we survived the weather Sunday which was all rain and no snow at all it our area. As I sit at the kitchen table and write this report I can hear the wind howling. Wunderground says its 34.6 mph, its more like 45-50 mph right now. Lets just say there will be no attempt to much of any things today. The weather starting tomorrow will be back up on the mid to high 30's, conditions the balance of the week will be sloppy and slippery after all the rain....

The hunting has been great with lots of birds being seen. Finally starting to see some hens in large numbers. The dog work has been some of the best I have seen out of my dogs. Even the young dogs are starting to figure things out. The most rewarding part of this trip will be having the young dogs figure it all out before we go home.

Happy New Years to all!
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Trip 2016 closure....

Well we finished out a day early and are heading back to WI. The way the forecast looks its probably a good thing. We were scheduled to go back Monday but the weather we have coming(8" of snow) at home made the decision easy to shut the house down and head for home. Other than a few days of rough weather and wind here in SD I don't recall just a nice week at the end of December for the last 6-7 years. Might attempt to come back in February and try some ice fishing, something I have had on my bucket list.

Most important accomplishment of the trip was having my 8 month old setter figure everything out. Trail, Point and retrieve, absolutely amazing to watch and it never gets old. Also introduced our 5-6 month old to wild SD pheasants as well and she did better than expected. Even retrieving or should I say dragging her first pheasant to hand.

I hope everyone had a good year and wish you all the best with the new year coming. Let's hope for a mild spring for nesting!

Couple of my girls resting after a hard week and before our 10 hour ride home to WI tomorrow.
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