working during a full moon.


New member
any one have any wierd customer stories that occured during a full moon. we had a dusiey at work this weekend. lady called in to say her water heater was walking around the basement and jumping up and down. the serviceman that went out checked everything out at 1 am. he told her it had not moved. she got down on her hands and knees and lifted rug to show him a crack in the floor. she claimed water heater did it. she wanted gas and electric shut off. he talked her out of it. he got called back 2 days later. this time there were 2 other women with her. he thought great she finally has some one to look after her and talk some sense into her.. one of the ladies introduces herself as the mother and the other lady is from her church. great this ought to go smooth now. WRONG. they both inform him that there are spirits in the house living in the pipes!!!!! all 3 of them want gas and electric shut off. they inform him the house is haunted. they take him into living room and show him the holes they cut into the ceiling. they did this so they could get pictures of the spirits. one of the pictures showed a bent pipe that scared thim. he told them all it was is a electric conduit that was angled to reach a light fixture. they wouldnt believe him. they thought the pipe was bending and tring to push the ceiling in on them. he finally left but did not turn off the utilities. if i get called there i think i will tell them to call my buddy in the water dept. and ask him if he can send some holy water thru the system for them. that way they can flush away the evil spirits:D
wierdest call i ever had has the lady who wanted the power checked in her apartment. she had tin foil wrapped around her head. she wanted me to check her apartment for gamma rays and the foil was on her head to protect her. told her the voltage was fine and the power company doesnt test for gamma rays from outer space. a couple weeks later she was taken away for help. she was running around naked wearing a tin foil hat rolling bowling bowls down the second floor steps of her apartment house. i swear this is true. my weird mind couldnt even make up a story like that
LOL, OK this was Iowa right?
nope, those things just don't happen up here.:D No buggie men or where woolivs in MN. I always knew the people in Iowa were strange, thats why I got out.:laugh:

hey you guys up north believe in imaginary things also. you call them vikings:D:p
I worked at IA state wrestling. Anyone who has been can vouch for me, PEOPLE ARE NUTS!!! Sorry, It was a long week working Tues-Sunday night averaging 11 hour days.
any one have any wierd customer stories that occured during a full moon. we had a dusiey at work this weekend. lady called in to say her water heater was walking around the basement and jumping up and down. the serviceman that went out checked everything out at 1 am. he told her it had not moved. she got down on her hands and knees and lifted rug to show him a crack in the floor. she claimed water heater did it. she wanted gas and electric shut off. he talked her out of it. he got called back 2 days later. this time there were 2 other women with her. he thought great she finally has some one to look after her and talk some sense into her.. one of the ladies introduces herself as the mother and the other lady is from her church. great this ought to go smooth now. WRONG. they both inform him that there are spirits in the house living in the pipes!!!!! all 3 of them want gas and electric shut off. they inform him the house is haunted. they take him into living room and show him the holes they cut into the ceiling. they did this so they could get pictures of the spirits. one of the pictures showed a bent pipe that scared thim. he told them all it was is a electric conduit that was angled to reach a light fixture. they wouldnt believe him. they thought the pipe was bending and tring to push the ceiling in on them. he finally left but did not turn off the utilities. if i get called there i think i will tell them to call my buddy in the water dept. and ask him if he can send some holy water thru the system for them. that way they can flush away the evil spirits:D

hooray. they are leaving the gas dept alone now. now they call the elec dept. they say an asteroid over russia is deflecting gamma radiation into thier house and they want the lineman to measure it for them:eek: