Wisconsin says Hi


New member
Hi everyone, just found this website and found it very usefull. I try to go to south dakota two times a year, late season. Other than that I am subjected to wisconsin's low Pheasant numbers, but exhilerating Grouse hunting. Looking forward to meeting and talking to some of you over time.
Welcome. From what I've seen so far it is a great site.
Welcome to the site, great to have more Wisconsin folks on the site.
Welcome to UPH, happy to discuss bird hunting anytime. Hope to see you here often......Bob
how's the grouse hunting this year?

Hi everyone, just found this website and found it very usefull. I try to go to south dakota two times a year, late season. Other than that I am subjected to wisconsin's low Pheasant numbers, but exhilerating Grouse hunting. Looking forward to meeting and talking to some of you over time.

Hello uplandnut and welcome. How's that grouse hunting this year in Wisconsin? Headin' north to my friends land on Tuesday to chase some of those ruffies.
Welcome! You're gonna enjoy it here. Good luck this season,and looking forward to hearing about your results.