Winchester model 101 field?


New member
Hello everyone I'm looking into a u/o and I think I've settled on a Winchester model 101 field any thoughts suggestions I'm open to other guns don't wanna run to far past $1500 as I'd like to hunt with it not look at it it'll be a strictly a pheasant gun thanks
Nice gun. The new ones are Belgium made but for some reason they seem rare in gunshops.
I think the new made in Belgium 101 is as good/better than the made in Japan models. I carried the new one for three years and it is an awesome gun. My brother still shoots a pair of 101s from when they had a red w on the grip cap. The new one is a little bit slimmer and is built a little more like a Beretta now. Reeds/Northern firearms usually has a good price on them, just north of 1000.00 bucks. In my aging opinion it is an underrated firearm.
I shoot an old 101 and my uncle has the new one. Both are great and are definitely keepers.
I've never had the chance to fondle one, haven't seen one in any of the gunshops I've been in. I have read a few reviews on them, which hardly makes me a expert, but they were very favorable. I know one of the reviews was in Pheasants forever magazine a couple years ago, not sure where the other one was ?
I had one but had to get rid of it because the trigger guard whacked my middle finger on every shot. Never had that problem before or since.
Some pretty good deals on GB right now on them. Have never held one but look like a pretty good economical choice in an O/U.
Win 101

I have a, 1969-70, 20 ga. I like this gun. Imp cyl/mod. 1 oz of 5 or 6 shot great on pheasants.
The reviews are generally all good for the new Win. 101, especially for that price range. For me personally, they fit me more like my Brownings do than the way a Beretta fits me--that's why I don't own any Berettas. I shot about 20 rounds through one at a shotgun demo day at a sporting clays range and was happy how it shot. Make sure it fits you well, ideally before you buy it--or after the fact with a good gunfitter. It should suit your needs well.