Why Would Anybody Want to Winter in AZ!


Here it got up to zero today, sunny and calm, kinda.:confused: I still wore my -30-40 windchille clothes to do the cattle chores.
I dang near suffered from heat exhausting.:eek: Now I'm going to have to re-hydrate. :)
Maybe with several. :cheers:
I really like Arizona. Not in the Summer unless around Flag or Prescott. The smells of spring are amazing there. Love the landscape. However, I love the snow and cold of Winter. Winter has not been bad here for a long time as I remember jumping off the house into snow drifts that were only a foot or two below the gutters as a teen. I am not a fan of the wind though and sometimes Wyoming is just to close. Chores everyday in the weather you guy's are getting would be challenging. I remember having to chop or break the ice out of the stock tanks growing up. Not fun!! Have a couple for me!:cheers:
Nice heat wave Wayne. lol

We made it to 20-something today:thumbsup: I did some running around in a short-sleeve t-shirt/no jacket this afternoon. Almost wanted to work on my tan:D
Bird hunting shouldn't be to bad either
That didn't last long, At 8:30 am it's -21.
Wayne, maybe this is why I winter in AZ.

George, You are totally evil!:eek:

I had no trouble with overheating today.

You didn't tell me yet if you have a guest room. :)

Your Britt looks exactly like the Woodster. Bet they would have a blast.
Sure hope your able to keep the beer cold. :confused:
I need a better pic, This is Woody at 14 months.
Same trip, Woody has filled out some since.
His first Sharptail point and the results. :)

LOL George I am glade you are having a good time down here. You seem to have picked up the sun city shuffle PDQ. lol :D

The weather down here has been very, very nice of late. Mid 70's and low 80's. Can beat that with a stick.
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