Why is deer hunting so popular?

Yeah MI allows bear hounds too.
At one point when Wisconsin had a lottery drawn quota-based wolf hunt, they allowed the use of hounds too. I don't know if there is a different breed of hound intended to be used for wolves than the ones for bears. But whatever dogs they used to hunt a wolf, that must one bad ass dog. Aint no springer, lab, or golden gonna hunt a wolf. They'd get ripped apart in seconds.
At one point when Wisconsin had a lottery drawn quota-based wolf hunt, they allowed the use of hounds too. I don't know if there is a different breed of hound intended to be used for wolves than the ones for bears. But whatever dogs they used to hunt a wolf, that must one bad ass dog. Aint no springer, lab, or golden gonna hunt a wolf. They'd get ripped apart in seconds.

Mmmm, not sure about that. This is a ferocious, bona fide wolf/bear dog with a bear treed. The bear wasn't about to come down.

Not so sure about WI wolf hounds. Quite the opposite ... wolves kill hounds. I believe the state of WI will compensate people who lose a hound dog to wolves.

The hounds are most often killed in late summer during training runs. The hounds course their way into wolf pup den or staging areas and are attacked and killed by the wolf pack. The issue is real.
A record 40 hunting dogs were killed by wolves during the monthlong bear season in Wisconsin. Hunters believe there are too many wolves in the Badger State.
  • Dec 5, 2019 Men's Journal Article
I don’t understand this statement.

I’ve shot (or my kid) several (September youth and muzzleloader seasons in Kansas, early antlerless in MO) when it was 90s for temps. 2 this year.

Shoot. Quarter. Cooler with ice. Zero spoilage.
Thats what we did. But we had to hustle. In ky 4 of us were hunting. Opening day We killed 2 deer in a strip mine pit. It was about a 3/4 mile drag to the truck, mostly uphill, through the woods. By the time we got them on ice, we were too hot & tired to hunt any more that day. It was probably close to 2 hrs before we got the 2nd one on ice
A record 40 hunting dogs were killed by wolves during the monthlong bear season in Wisconsin. Hunters believe there are too many wolves in the Badger State.
I am guessing that anyone running hounds during bear season understands the risk associated with doing so in wolf country. Wolves don't climb trees to escape like a bear does. And they won't tolerate other canines in their territory.

When the feds lift a ban on them under the Endangered Species List in the Great Lakes region again, there will be lottery drawn, quota-based hunting or trapping seasons in MN and WI. Their numbers need to be managed by the states. As to when that happens, no one knows. The last two times they lifted the federal ban, a judge put them back on the Endangered Species List.
I got nothing against deer hunting, but I would rather shoot one full colored up screaming fast late season rooster than the 1,000 point 600 pound deer.
I got nothing against deer hunting, but I would rather shoot one full colored up screaming fast late season rooster than the 1,000 point 600 pound deer.
Bob, I don't either, but I'm right there with you. When I was in college back in the late 80's, we had access to great private land hunting in western Kansas. My dad and his hunting partner developed a great relationship with a farmer out there. I started going when I was 12 and the farmer only had daughters, so he loved it when I was there. His wife would feed us lunch, he would take us from spot to spot, a really great deal that I am grateful to this day to have experienced. Anyway, when I was in college their deer population was out of control and the farmers wanted them shot so they asked us to get tags and shoot a deer and then spend the rest of the time pheasant hunting. I killed two, both does, and it did nothing for me, and at that time I'd do just about anything to shoot a pheasant!
Bob, I don't either, but I'm right there with you. When I was in college back in the late 80's, we had access to great private land hunting in western Kansas. My dad and his hunting partner developed a great relationship with a farmer out there. I started going when I was 12 and the farmer only had daughters, so he loved it when I was there. His wife would feed us lunch, he would take us from spot to spot, a really great deal that I am grateful to this day to have experienced. Anyway, when I was in college their deer population was out of control and the farmers wanted them shot so they asked us to get tags and shoot a deer and then spend the rest of the time pheasant hunting. I killed two, both does, and it did nothing for me, and at that time I'd do just about anything to shoot a pheasant!
Not many farm families like that anymore! I deer hunted for a few years myself. I worked my but off, scouting, building stands, plotting and scheming. Not to mention putting up with those dammed rubes ambling about! Then BOOM, it's over and the work begins! After that I still would buy a tag and occasionally drop one while bird hunting. Then one day I took a snapshot on a fogy morning, that wound up being way to close for comfort to my dog. That was 45 years ago. Dam, where's the time go. Retired now for 5 years and tossing around the idea of putting one in the freezer, but I have a wife that evidently watched Bambie way to many times as a kid!! :rolleyes: