New member
I live in a VERY small town and understand the importance of bringing in money to the local economy. What I disagree with is any argument that uses money as a basis for hunting. While today's hunting IS about money, I don't believe it should be. Those on this board that hunt the WIHA do so because they don't have enough or any private land to hunt and/or don't have local connections. That means they don't have enough money or the right connections to lease. The more we make hunting about money, the less the common man will have to hunt. Therefore the money argument, simply shoots those making it, in the foot (pun intended )
Point you missed my point. Without money from licenses there would be no WIHA. So then where would the common man hunt with no connections?
But since we are on the money issue in SD pheasant hunters are the State second leading source of income next to farming. It's the money from licences that made the walk in areas available to those without contacts. So in other words it a win win situation
And on giving out info? Its always better to give than receive and if you can read you can have both.
Point you missed my point. Without money from licenses there would be no WIHA. So then where would the common man hunt with no connections?
But since we are on the money issue in SD pheasant hunters are the State second leading source of income next to farming. It's the money from licences that made the walk in areas available to those without contacts. So in other words it a win win situation
And on giving out info? Its always better to give than receive and if you can read you can have both.