Who's in control?


Active member
Some would tout that habitat makes all the difference but in the last tow years it has not made the difference.

Never have I had better habitat and never have I had lower bird and deer numbers.

What's the moral? Ultimately God is in control as too much rain or too little rain has made all the difference in the last two years.
They're generally like a hammer and a nail Chris.;) Without the habitat, the greatest weather in the world won't mean a thing. Without temperate weather, the greatest habitat in world won't mean a thing.

There are forces far beyond our control on this planet. It's up to us to fight our way through it. Yeah, we'll get our @$$e$ kicked while doing it.:eek:

Heck, we can labor for the best of the best habitat only to end up with nothing but a bare, dusty field of dirt. Humbling and frustrating.

This applies to everything we do in this life. It's an up-hill, painful battle that only ends with the grave.

From what I understand, it is at this point when we finally get some real rest:D:)

I think it all starts with the habitat. We could see the mildest of winters and best breeding conditions in the spring but with out cover you cant get a leg up. The basic life needs of shelter/water/food are ony good if we are 3 for 3. Take any one of these out of the mix and we are very unbalanced.
You just never know what Nature is going to give you. Part of the fun in hunting is the mystery - not knowing what you're going to find when you get there. You've put in a lot of work and in time it will pay off... just maybe not this year.

My youngest brother, the spoiled one of the bunch, thinks if he isn't given a very good chance of shooting limits that it's not worth an effort. He's been talking all down in the mouth about our local bird populations, but this weekend called me a half dozen times all excited at the birds he was seeing and he killed a couple grouse and woodcock. If you'd have listened to him much beforehand, he almost wasn't going to go because of his pessimistic outlook.
We can control quite a bit, it's the extremes that seem to beat us up. But that's the same with everything in life. We have proven what good habitat can do during some what "normal" weather patterns. There will always be things out of our control, I think the good Lord intended it to be like that!