How is whoa training done. My girl, a 6 month old GSP is fired up about the doves and pigeons in the back yard. Believe it or not she has even gone on point about three times now for pigeons in the neighbors backyard that is behind a 9 foot privacy fence. Pup is pointing well and seems to listen to whoa or easy but some times gets a wild hair and just dives at birds.
Would holding her on a check cord help when she starts creeping?
She has no formal training yet so I am not all that worried. She heads off to school in September for two months. Just looking to improve her learning curve. Trying to do some on my own, just won't gun break on my own, seen too many ruined dogs. I want the best dog I can have in the field come November. I hunt with a bunch of friends and hate those dogs that won't listen and have birds flushing 200 yds out. Course thats all on the handler but don't want that outta my dog.
Would holding her on a check cord help when she starts creeping?
She has no formal training yet so I am not all that worried. She heads off to school in September for two months. Just looking to improve her learning curve. Trying to do some on my own, just won't gun break on my own, seen too many ruined dogs. I want the best dog I can have in the field come November. I hunt with a bunch of friends and hate those dogs that won't listen and have birds flushing 200 yds out. Course thats all on the handler but don't want that outta my dog.