Here's some good deer sign from Friday morning!
Wednesday I had one deer bed down in some cedar trees behind me about 20 yards, but I was never able to see it, just hear it coming closer until it finally laid down. It never got up until it snuck out of the trees when I had to leave. Lazy deer, sleeping all day...
Friday the woods were ALIVE!!! I don't know if it was all due to the rut or possibly to the weather about to change, but everything was moving. It was a wonderful morning to be in the stand.
I saw 4 deer from my stand, 2 bucks and 2 does. I had a very young doe walk right in front of me at about 17 yards and stand there broadside... I wasn't sure how my deer policy of "first available" applied to situations when there are multiple deer visible. But I solved that problem by shooting the little doe with an arrow.
It was a perfect double-lung shot and she went down within 40 yards of the spot she was hit. I sat in the tree for about 20 minutes, wondering if I might be lucky enough to fill my other tag, but the other deer wandered by just out of my favored range.
Coolest moment of the morning was having a huge owl land in my tree about 10' from me, on a branch right at eye level. It obviously saw me turn my head from a distance and thought maybe my face was food. Not wanting to scare the deer, I froze at first and just stared back at the owl hoping it would move along. When it didn't fly away after 20 seconds or so, I started shaking my head "no" at it. That only made it more curious about eating my face and caused it to lean forward and act like it was about to come at my head. Not wanting to become KS' first owl attack statistic, I thrust my bow up towards the owl just as it was about to lunge, and he flew off... Whew... There was a good 30 seconds where the owl really thought I was food, and I can tell you that he really meant business. I would not want to be on the receiving end of his beak and talons. They both looked pretty serious...
I must be really good at sitting still, because that is not my first encounter with a bird of prey. I have also had a hawk land about 2' from my head on the top of my duck blind.