where did common sense go


New member
our fearless govt. refuge managers decided to burn a section of the refuge this fall. problem # 1 the whole damn county was under a burn ban!!!!! problem #2 there was a standing corn field next to the refuge:eek: they got lucky in 2 respects the fire did not get into the corn. local fire dept came to the rescue and the farmer did not kill him.. you would think they would be more careful. last year they burned up thier machine shedn in a "controled burn"
Sounds like where I worked.Some of the engineers had no common sense what so ever.And they didn't like it when someone that knew what they were doing told them how to do it right.
The guy that is head of the WPA at the refuge I hunt decided to let some rancher graze it flat during nesting season. Let me tell ya, our $$$ spent on Lic and stamps must not register to these knot heads. Burn it in very early spring before nesting cover is needed. Grazing it should be flat out of the picture IMO.

I don't know what it's going to take to wake some of these zipper heads up. OK, OK, OK..I'm done..carry on guys. :cheers:
This is the exact reason I am on Happy Pills!!!!
Now their burning the public areas:mad: Guess pheasant don't need cover for winter. drained the WATERFOWL REFUGE to. What a waste of taxpayers money. Should just let refuge go wild NO HUMAN HELP we'd have alot more wildlife and maybe lower taxes:thumbsup: 7000 acres of nothing this year and they'll probably get a raise wish it worked that way for me:)
Pheasants? in Iowa? I used to hunt there all the time in the 80's and 90's. I try to not even stop for gas now.
Me too Carp. Grew up in that great state and had excellent hunting until the last 5 years or so. It has gotten so bad that I now go to SD every year instead of Iowa with the family and friends. Sure wish it would turn around but I'm not holding my breath:(.
awwww sh------t. burned our favorite area yesterday. now they are going to our 2nd favorite area. will they get the third also.:mad::mad::mad: called them up and asked why. the secratary said they will call me back. i'm ready to do a rain dance. they said if the weather holds they will be done burning this week. i told her i hope it starts raining right now and pours for a couple days.
awwww sh------t. burned our favorite area yesterday. now they are going to our 2nd favorite area. will they get the third also.:mad::mad::mad: called them up and asked why. the secratary said they will call me back. i'm ready to do a rain dance. they said if the weather holds they will be done burning this week. i told her i hope it starts raining right now and pours for a couple days.

Maybe you should stop telling them where we like to hunt:confused: Why do I have to think of everything.
Gotta love those gubmint employees! Who needs winter cover, besides there are no pheasants left there!! Wish the best for you two, now go kill some deer.
Better go put some Dynamite at the next spot!!!! At least you will get a Boom for your buck!!!! Might be cool to watch them scramble like ants!!!! LOL!!!:cheers:
grocery sack full of left over fireworks ought to do the trick. after my phone call the other day i'm sure i would be high on the suspect list:p