When to get my female fixed


Active member
I am a long time member but I do not post often. I have an 11 month old female lab that is just finishing up her first heat. Should I wait until the season is over before getting her fixed or should I fix her in October. If season starts here in Colorado in Early November would there be enough time for her to fully recover and adjust. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Talk to your vet about recovery times. But my thought is that if she just went through a heat cycle they want to wait until things shrink in there before doing surgery. I would wait till after season, she won't cycle again for at least 6 months.

Goldenboy's advise is good. Talk to your vet, I always wait until the second cycle to get Females fixed. Inow it's a pain but thats what I've always been told this is the way to go. Some one on this sight may have more to add.:)

should have thought that through several months ago even though the theories as to when seem to change every now and then. wait till the season is over and avoid the risk of something going wrong and losing your mutt for part of the season, the next season is a long ways off. good luck hunting her

They say having a female spayed prior to the first head cycle is best. Significantly reduces the risk of many cancers. I currently have two females. Ones was fixed prior to her first heat cycle and the other after her first heat cycle. Never had an issue with either.

But back to the question at hand. Since she has just completed her first cycle I would take the advice of the others on this thread and wait until the hunting season is over. She won't cycle for 6 months so you have plenty of time.
Thank you all for your insights. You all confirmed what I was thinking...get her fixed after season is over. Cant wait to get her on a few wild Colorado roosters. Hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe season.

wait a minute

Thank you all for your insights. You all confirmed what I was thinking...get her fixed after season is over. Cant wait to get her on a few wild Colorado roosters. Hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe season.


that's enthusiasm for you. where in the world do you think you are going to find a wild rooster in colorado anyway, say nothing about a few. good luck with that one. enjoy your dog even if it is the wrong kind. cocktail time for me, having several of them helps me visualize those flocks of wild roosters.
