Well, to be honest, his ex- wife and he made an amicable split, and he has no issue with her receiving any extra cash- it's not like he refers to her as
"that woman" or " the dragon lady"
He has quite a number of expensive modern rifles as well, and being a south paw , they will not be a hard sell, it's not something I want to do however, but will.
After all, if I'm selling them , it means he has gone to see his past hunting dogs and buddies!!
Regarding Mr. Squinty ( his avatar is Mr. Magoo on the internet sites!
Who else better to have as a lawyer than a gun nut??!!:cheers:
Three detached retinas has not slowed him down as far as messing around with them, but don't give him a shotgun and expect him to hit anything !!:laugh:
He specializes in criminal law regarding firearms, but is on permanent retainer with our local gun club, and does a lot of "extra" work for his closer gun nut friends!
I have another friend who is terminal, and he has asked another friend and I to sell off his guns for him ( he has already given his nephew all the guns he wants to) and this one is going to be a tough one.
This articular friend took care of my kids when they were young my wife and I travelled form out of town business, we hunted together, wildcatted rifles swapped guns ( That is actually where my cherished Westley Richards came from in a trade!)
It is also something neither myself nor my other buddy wish to do, but it has to be done, and at least our terminal friend is still around to direct prices, etc.
Disposing of a friend's personal treasures is tough , for sure.
As far as your comment goes KsHusker, about going out doing what you love, I have to agree.
I have known people who have passed to quieter ranges while sheep hunting , hunting moose, etc, and they always said that is the way they wanted to depart.