From a nesting standpoint, the green wheat provides around 70% of the nesting habitat in much of western Kansas. The fallow rotation provided much improved brood-rearing and winter cover. Having both is why we had so many more birds in years gone by. However, you have to think about it as a pyramid. The nesting habitat and carryover bird population is the foundation of the pyramid. The smaller that layer is, the smaller the pyramid. When nesting is the limiting factor, you can expect a much lower peak. Having an extended harvest will surely help. Having weedy stubble out there longer will surely help. However, if the plow and disc eliminate that cover and the birds have nowhere to go, they will again be lost and the period with no cover will be the limiting factor. We need every layer filled to capacity to make our pyramid more like a high rise! If they are all weak, it will look more like an August hatched roosters spur come fall, barely more than a scale! Luckily, our weather, wheat, and other habitats are a mosaic of good, bad, and ugly. Somewhere a young boy or girl will think this is the best year of their young life! Hooray for them!