Whats wrong guys?

Two fellow UPHers go out of their why to wish you guys a happy thanksgiving:thumbsup: And they got 5 poeple to say Thanks:mad::mad:
That to me was nice of them:thumbsup: Not for sure I like the way the forum is going. Even on the dumber forums I"m on everyone can put their deferenences aside and wish each other a happy whatever day:mad:
Differences:confused: I don't think that has anything to do with it. I'd bet most folks have spent the past 4 days with family, hunting, or hunting with family. I for one hadn't seen the "Lounge" for days.....everything's still okay 'round here.

We just stopped in to eat after a morning hunt and took a minute to check the site, but mostly to see if anyone was reporting on a visit to the upland fields.

BTW, we had a coyote come within 20 yards of our turkey blind this morning to check us out. I went to shoot him and click....no shell in the chamber! We saw a couple deer, entertained and was entertained by some cattle, but saw no turkeys.

The boy and I stopped by his favorite squirrel hunting spot and he shot 2. We'll give the turkeys another go this evening and if the coyote makes the same mistake tonight, he won't be so lucky as he was this morning!

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all;)
Make that 3 and 7----see happy Thanksgiving message in the Pheasant Hunting Forum--that's where I replied :thumbsup:
If you're going to look why not respond? I know other areas on the forum had turkey day stuff. But I've seen this happen in the habitat forum,welcoming forum and thats totally unacceptable:D
I agree with you captaincoot. I've noticed that myself.
Coot do you hunt?

I don't hunt 24/7:( But I do try to find time to look on the forum to see if some one posted a greeting that I can respond to. Even if it's a week old:thumbsup: A friendly america:10sign: is much better then a whaaa I'm looking to post negative about somebody america:(.
Ok just checking because I've never saw you post a hunting picture or talk about hunting.

A lot of us spent thanksgiving hunting and spending time with family because it's what Americans are supposed to do.

I can't speak for anyone else but I don't use HUNTING forums as a place to see who's greeting who. I prefer to use the site to talk to people that hunt my state, and guys from other parts of the country that share a common interest.

Have a good Christmas.
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I have a 2002 model computer and dial up:eek: Thats why I don't post :coolpics: It would take forever:) Would that make me a legit hunter if I posted pictures? I talk about my hunts check out my state forum. I would hunt alot more but my dog has a bad leg and is old and I only have one dog at a time. And I spent turkeyday with 30+ family members/hunted and still found time to post:thumbsup: I just remember guys being a little more friendly on here. Thats why I liked this forum:thumbsup:
Happy holidays coot. Give brown dog an extra treat and a scratch behind the ears for me.:cheers:
I have a 2002 model computer and dial up:eek: Thats why I don't post :coolpics: It would take forever:) Would that make me a legit hunter if I posted pictures? I talk about my hunts check out my state forum. I would hunt alot more but my dog has a bad leg and is old and I only have one dog at a time. And I spent turkeyday with 30+ family members/hunted and still found time to post:thumbsup: I just remember guys being a little more friendly on here. Thats why I liked this forum:thumbsup:

Merry christmas coot. Now pick your football. All I have to do is copy you and I win:).