What's the latest report from the field?

Britt just PM'd yah. You are more than welcome to give me a buzz if you make it out and join up with us. Sure could use a dog. Either way give me a call sometime or shoot me a message if you want to go.
I was out Wednesday. The dogs and I had a good hunt.
looks like a good hatch this yr. I would have finished up before 10am but I made some mistakes.Lots of young roosters running around.
This was my first Colorado hunt. I like to jump the stateline as much as possible.

It looks like you got your limit. That is great. I can never seem to shoot my limit.

So how do you think Colorado compares to Kansas? I assume that's where you usually go. I've been wanting to make the trip, but just don't know if its worth the extra time and license cost.

It looks like you got your limit. That is great. I can never seem to shoot my limit.

So how do you think Colorado compares to Kansas? I assume that's where you usually go. I've been wanting to make the trip, but just don't know if its worth the extra time and license cost.

Co. doesn't compare to Ks.-Nebr.-S.D.-or N.D. but if thats all we have, we make the best of it. This yr. it looks like a good hatch in Co. but time will tell.
What we all need to do is join P.F. and work on projects like tree planting etc. to help the birds. One of the biggest problems we have ihere in Co.is too many people and not enough WIA. Thats one of the reasons I don't hunt much in my state And if I do, I hunt during the week when the birds have had some time to settle down after the army of orange .
I only agree with that statement Hightail if all you have to hunt is WIA. If you do have private to hunt I definately belive we are equal to Kansas. But the other states have more species to hunt which is a huge plus.:cheers:
I am all for improving as much habittat as possible and am a member of P.F. I also think the DOW could do a better job, and be more picky when it comes to the ground they enroll in WIA. I wish they would even work on habitat imporvement projects and focus on pheasant habitat a bit more. I would be willing to pay more for the WIA permit if i knew the quality of the land was top notch.

On a side note, I was able to get out yesterday and did pretty good. It was a last minute thing as, our Christmas party I was supposed to go to was cancelled. My buddy and I bagged three birds. We lost 2 cripples which drives me crazy, but sometimes I guess nature prevails over us. So we should have had 5 birds... a darn good day I'd say.

Ringneck, I would have called you, but everything was so last minute I forgot to grab your number. How did you do?
I will also agree that if DOW would increase the price of the WIA tags and put more effort towards good pheasant habitat things would be much better. Colorado has good potential to be a great pheasant state, and things are slowly increasing each year!
back on the hunting subject it sounds like now that the cold is setting in that hunting is getting a little better, i went out in the early season when it was warm and the birds were so spread out, and it was harder on the dog in the heat.
Chadsbritt- what kind of fields did you find the birds in now, are they starting to group up and get in thicker cover at all?
ill head out once more after the holidays just before the season ends, and hopefully get into the birds more than i did in the early season!
i will say, when i was out in holyoke earlier, i saw a great number of hens so hopefully this next years weather works out and the numbers should be even better, and even the city council guy i spoke with in holyoke said this year was a great hatch, but they had a horrible hail storm that knocked it down and for what ive seen there is still a good number of birds out there!
I saw most of the birds in heavy cover. I usually try to focus on heavy cover anyhow, so it wasn't anything unusual for me. You'll usually find me in pivot corners with dense CRP and shelterbelts, in old overgrown pits, or old abandoned farm yards. Seems if you can find thick cover that hasn't been hunted hard, more times than not you'll find birds. I also look for areas next to available food sources.

How about everyone else? Does anyone ever hunt wheat stubble? I've seen some excellent looking wheat stubble this year, but just haven't taken the tiem to try and hunt it. Does anyone ever have luck in wheat stubble? What about grass and weeds that aren't as dense? I'm sure earlier in the year they hold birds, but what about now? Also, if you hunt different types of cover, what time of day is the best time to hunt? Do you focus on wheat early, late...?

You know, I've only been chasing roosters seriously for a few years now and still have a ton to learn. I've never hunted outside of Colorado, and am doing what seems to be working well for me. I would love to hear what everyone else does and where they find concentrations of birds.

Good Luck!
i am fairly new to pheasant hunting as well, but i used to work for the forest service in south dakota, and i payed attention to all the birds which has given me a good head start and begining knowledge. when i was out earlier this year i hiked a few of the wheat stubble fields but really didnt find much unless there were uncut sections around ditches that had higher stubble than normal, but im sure there are still some birds in it because i noticed a lot of hunters driving past the stubble fields, which usually means the birds will wise up and move in there. when i found birds in the early season they were almost all in the CRP, i hiked a few shelter belts and some old farmsteads and surprisingly didnt find any birds. but when i would just hike the open fields i found the birds, but they were quiet spread out in the warmer weather. ive got my fingers crossed to really get in on the birds now that its cold, i have heard a few people saying that the pivot corners are hot spots now, as well as any heavy thicker cover!
anybody in colorado that really wants to hunt some birds let me know. Have dog will travel ( as long as its yuma county) thats where my grounds at............................Just sayin. oh ya your buyin the motel room.
Yesterdays results

Hello to all,
I have enjoyed reading this forum.
I am new to Colorado. I came here for work. And have had a goal of getting back into pheasant hunting. This year my one year old golden (Cody) and I decided to make it happen.The trips started at Fleming after the opener. Tough day! Next trip was out towards Holyoke and saw lots of birds most were seen near private farmhouses. Flushed some birds in the WIA but besides hens flushing at close range the roosters were flushing to far out. Well next trip was in 40MPH winds north of Yuma.After one or two fields in WIA back to the house could hardly walk in those conditions.
Well I then bought a license online for Nebraska cause some kid at Sportsmans Wharehouse told me Kimball was great. This last Sunday I drove there with high hopes. Didn't see a bird all day. It seemed the CRP that was available had no cover. After lots of driving around finally found a field that looked promising. It had medium high grass,bordered by wind break trees. Some snow on the ground. Saw no bird tracks. All we flushed was two jack rabbits and some big deer way off in the distance.
Well since I have this week off. Yesterday it was back to where I have seen birds. Holyoke was the plan. On the way out the wind was blowing the truck. I though not another bad weather day. Well upon getting to our destination. It was bitter cold and probably blowing 20 plus MPH. We walked in an area that had a creek bottom that afforded some shelter. After a while I was complacent and Cody was over buy some brush when all of a sudden birds started flushing out of this one brush area. Four of five hens burst out than one rooster. I was able to hit him and bring him down. I must have not pumped the next shell in because one more rooster came out and was through the trees before I could get a shot off.
After our success we spent a lot of time warming in the truck cleaning the Ice from codys paws and then walking some more ditchline. One more rooster up within range and missed!.
Bird tracks were all over!
Spent the rest of the afternoon looking for new WIA areas. But everytime driving down the road near farmhouses I saw huge number of birds. I could not believe all the birds we saw. Mostly near wind break trees.

Well Im headed back out tomorrow. Back to the same area. This time im doing some door knocking looking for private land. Had the taste of success and ready for more!

We hunted last Friday and Saturday. Flushed 10 hens or so but no roosters. The WIA land is lacking heavy cover. We started out hunting the WIA land to the SW of Holyoke and then moved up HWY 23 and hunted some pivot corners. Definetly saw lots of bird tracks and human tracks as well. I had 6 guys with me and was hesitant to knock on doors with so many of us.

Next time I go I will not have an army with me and will be more inclined to start knocking on doors. I talked to a local on the way out of town Saturday and he reassured me the locals are very friendly with hunters and for the most part will allow you to hunt their land. We saw about 4 roosters fly onto private land that a hunter flushed off of WIA. That land has been hunted so many times that the birds are really skittish for sure. It was my first time hunting birds in Colorado so definetly a learning experienice. Even though we didn't bag any it was great to get out.

If anyone is going up before end of season and has room for one more please let me know.

Yeah, I think landowners would be more hesitant with a large group of guys. Believe it or not, I've never knocked on someones door. The private land I hunt are places of people I know or firends of friends. I guess I've been to bashful to knock on doors. I guess more than anything, I don't want to be a pain in the butt.

I would suggest trying to hunt the walk in different than everyone else is. For example, try hunting it from the opposite direction. If you do something the birds aren't expecting, you may be able to get onto them before they realize whats going on. They sure are smart this time of year.

At least you're seeing hens. They always keep me interested. The worst is when you go out and don't see a thing.


Welcome aboard. Glad to hear you're getting into birds. Man I wish I could get out there in the next couple of days. My brittany gets snow balls built up in his paws as well. I would suggest trimming the hair between his pads. Its really seems to help with both the stickers and the snow. Labs don't seem to have much of an issue, but the longer haired dogs sure do. Also I would suggest carrying a leatherman type tool with you at all times. Believe it or not, there is a lot of cactus around Holyoke. I've had to pull them out of my dogs paws on multiple occasions this year. WIthout the leatherman, I would have been up a creek.
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good advice

Chadsbritt thanks for the advice.
Since there is still snow on the ground in NE Colorado my wife and I just trimmed Codys pads. I will also start carrying my leatherman tomorrow as we will be back out there tomorrow. The weather outlook is pretty good through the weekend.
Am trying the sour cream pheasant tonight off this post.Will let everyone know if it is a hit or not. Any favorite recipes would be appreciated.

Yeah, I think landowners would be more hesitant with a large group of guys. Believe it or not, I've never knocked on someones door. The private land I hunt are places of people I know or firends of friends. I guess I've been to bashful to knock on doors. I guess more than anything, I don't want to be a pain in the butt.

I would suggest trying to hunt the walk in different than everyone else is. For example, try hunting it from the opposite direction. If you do something the birds aren't expecting, you may be able to get onto them before they realize whats going on. They sure are smart this time of year.

At least you're seeing hens. They always keep me interested. The worst is when you go out and don't see a thing.


Welcome aboard. Glad to hear you're getting into birds. Man I wish I could get out there in the next couple of days. My brittany gets snow balls built up in his paws as well. I would suggest trimming the hair between his pads. Its really seems to help with both the stickers and the snow. Labs don't seem to have much of an issue, but the longer haired dogs sure do. Also I would suggest carrying a leatherman type tool with you at all times. Believe it or not, there is a lot of cactus around Holyoke. I've had to pull them out of my dogs paws on multiple occasions this year. WIthout the leatherman, I would have been up a creek.

Good point chad, no need to ask to go on private grounds, you just need to be smart about going into a WIA field with your dogs. Also,

I use cooking oil (pam) it works great along with a hair trim.
Still Learnin

Thanks for the good advice. Since it was my first time up there it was hard to tell which directions most hunters enter the fields as most of them have several entry points. As I become more familiar with the area those skills should improve. As for hunting private land I am definetly not bashful about asking for permission but more respectfull of the situation. I will really put more effort into acquiring permission this spring and offer to assist with any duties around the farm that may be needed. Growing up hunting in MO and KS I never had a problem getting access being kind and courteous.

I truely can't wait for next year so I can start heading back to some honey holes I have in Great Bend, KS, but at the same time CO has some wonderful habitat and I look forward to harvesting some birds right here at home and meeting some good people along the way.

As always thank you all for the sound advice and I look forward to sharing more stories. Everyone have a good Christmas and maybe I will see you out soon.

Yesterdays report 12/24

Made the long drive early from Loveland out east towards Holyoke. At 8:30 am was knocking on a farmers door. I was polite and courteous and he responded by letting me hunt some of his land for the day. He also pointed to a neighbor whom had a draw a 1/2 mile long and gave me the number of someone else whom had a whole section of wheat,corn stubble and a draw with trees as well.
I handed out a CO fish and game form that asked landowners for persmission to hunt. It has a code of ethics on it as well as a place for your vehicle description and personal info. Nice little form and well thought out.
Cody and I hunted the neighbors draw after receiving permission. After parking a ways off we saw some birds run from the stubble to the draw. Down in the draw we hit one rooster. The others seemed to scatter.
During the day we saw lots of birds most getting up out of range.
We hunted one tall grass fields where I had a rooster get up right at my feet. I could have tapped him with a stick. I let him get out a ways and proceeded to not even ruffle a feather. I had to laugh.
One the last draw we hunted it looked like a pheasant freeway with all the tracks. We worked that whole draw and nothing. As we were coming out we sidetracked to a short grass field off to the side. Birds started getting up all over out of range. One rooster I was able to shoot at I hit and he went down. We looked for that bird for twenty minutes and never did find him. We must have winged him and he ran after going down.

All and all a great day except for losing that last bird
The pheasant and sour cream recipe from this post is a hit. We used it over noodles with some parmesan cheese.

Merry Xmas to all. Hope you get your pheasant hunting goodies.

A few more days to hunt this week before the grind starts again on monday!
It sounds like your haveing a lot of fun Raginrooster. It also sounds like you've tapped into a good resource out east. I love seeing large flushes, even if you're out of range. Although there's nothing like it when you are in range!

Well Merry Christmas everyone! Good luck to all of those that venture out this weekend. Not sure if I can make it out, but I'm sure going to try.