What to plant?


New member
I am trying to plant some new winter cover for pheasants on my land. I am wondering what you guys think is the best thing to plant for winter cover. I will be planting some evergreens to the north to help block some of the snow. There is tall grass there now but it just isn't standing up the way I want it to. There are corn, bean, and a big creek ditch surrounding it. Its also a little over an acre. Thanks
If you want to plant a perennial I sure like Cane (forage sorghum). It can grow from 8-12' tall and folds over or lodges just before hunting season when it dries out. Provides great cover to shoot birds in fall and the pheasants will use it for feeding, roosting and severe weather cover all winter. Another option is to plow black and let Koshia come in but not sure how prevelant that is in Ill.