What should I get for my Birthday?

If you want to experience actually shooting at birds, my recommendation is she give you a gift certificate to a game farm. You can experience seeing and flushing birds, you have an opportunity to actually shoot some birds instead of just walking around a field someone with a dog has already covered, and you might meet some guys who can help you in the sport! For the money I think this is a great gift idea. Take your wife along and have her shoot some pictures. That is a great way to introduce her to the sport as well. Good luck.
Hey Golenboy, that's excels t advise. Unless his wife decides she wants to start hunting too. Than you have to buy another gun, hunting boots and vests for both and a new pup, hey wait a minute that excellent advise 🤗
Spend some serious money on good boots.

Make sure they fit well, even with thick socks, and have some water-proofing or gortex protection for weather. Be careful of the weight, because you'll be lifting those extra ounces every step you take.

Others here are wiser than I am about brand names and finer points, but I know that boots can make or break virtually every hunting experience.

Have fun and be safe.


I third this motion. Good boots are a must to protect your feet! you will be glad you did.
Brush pants. Maybe two pair, one lightweight, one waterproof.