What should caveman do?

I'm bored and I thought of this earth shattering problem caveman could of had and I was wondering what you all would do if you had this problem:) It's cavebabies birthday and the cavewife wants caveman to kill a wooly mammoth for cavebabies birthday:D Caveman don't want to make cavewife :mad: so he agrees to it:eek: How should caveman handle this?
Expidiate the process of domesticating wild dogs and have them do the hard work.:D
wow, Real simple slap the wife and shoot the beast. Ok maybe I got that back a$$ words. Shoot the beast and Kiss the wife. I still don't know. Run for your life, Yea I like that. :eek::D:p
please we will have no more talk of wolfs............................ok maybe a mountain lion then:eek:
If cavemomma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!!!:thumbsup:
I like cavemomma:thumbsup:

I think I figured out what cavemans going to say on the way to kill the woolly mammoth. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but this woolly mammoths going to F:eek:'en kill me:D