what kind of strange or odd pets have you had?

iowa labs

New member
personally we had a pet skunk man she was great:thumbsup:. did you know they come in a few colors albino,choc,apricot and the traditional black and white (like ours). :cheers:
Had a few turtles both wild and from the pet shop, wild caught little snakes and one of those glass ant farms. All quite temporary.
We have a pet snake at work, he's half rattler and half boa, or maybe hes just a gopher snake IDK. :D I've always thought a pet fox would be cool.:cheers:
lizards and turtles when I was a kid... Huge aquarium with a variety of fish when I was in college and after... We have few chickens now, which is odd considering my wife and I both grew up in city limits.
chickens,guinea pig,cats

a friend that lives in the country thought my kids needed chicks because they had some. one day when the chicks were 1/2 grown my kids let the chicks out and my hunting labs at the same time:thumbsup:. needless to say total carnage ensued. my 2 males each grabbed a chick and ate it in front of them:eek:. but on the plus side there was no argument when i returned the chicks that night;). while on a spring break trip a cousin from alabama (nice guy) sent a guinea pig home with my son. a couple months later my wife volunteered to dog sit for a friend. my kids had the dog and pig loose in the same room. the kids left them alone and you guessed it the dog killed the guinea pig (it looked exactly like his chew toy). and now the latest, one sunday my wife and kids (daughter driving) pulled in to the garage and ran over HER own cat! yes she mashed poor london flat. now would any of you like us to pet sit? :cheers:
I had a pet Coon and a Red fox! The Coon I got from my cousin who had a Male and female. The Coon had not opened it's eyes yet and my cousin said you have to raise them from that young in order to be somewhat tame. Bottle fed the little guy and soon couldn't go anywhere without it! Used a litter box and everything. Great pet until they decide to take off running through the house and straight up the wall knocking $h@t everywhere! The Fox was a wild kit found in between the Highway!! He was a mean little cuss with razor sharp teeth! He had pneumonia and the vet fixed him up and then told me to get rid of it! As long as I held him , no problems! But if you reached down to pick him up, your fingers were leaking!! Let him go when he got a little older!!!:cheers:
Raised a young Badger for awhile. Had 2 Rattlers one Summer. Also had a Wolf/Malamute cross when we ran a bar in the country back in Montana; gentlest creature in the world, but quite protective and NO one bothered my former bride when she was tending bar with Lobo present.
house broke

we had a cat that the kids wanted to be inside. i kept it in a room in the basement for a few days to get use to it's litter box. i let it
out and the damm thing ran up stairs and sh!! on the kitchen floor:mad:! let's just say he went out the door superman style:thumbsup:. he was an outside cat at heart i guess. is that the way it was with coot:D. :cheers:
We had a prairie dog pup when I was a kid. Ended up burrowing in to a pile of dirty cloths and going through the wash.