Maynard, is it true things look a little greener this year than last year?
Quite a few differences from last year. It is fortunate that the temperatures are lower than the temps last year. It is also fortunate that we had some early showers that brought the early growth along.
In my short grass prairie, which is mostly buffalo grass, the early rain brought on the winter annuals, downy brome, cheat grass, and a whole host of weeds, like I have never seen before. All of these annuals have matured and the pasture resembles a field a mature wheat from a distance. The buffalo grass is really suffering and under lots of pressure. There is no blanket of sod, but scattered sprigs of grass. It will be interesting to see how it responds should moisture come along. There is no sub soil moisture and the soil has actually sealed off like it is concrete. We have had to dig a few post holes and it is unbelievable. My 350 pound hired hand can get six to twelve inches with the electric auger. Then we will fill the hole with a bucket of water and one would think the soil would soak it right up, but instead it just sits there and will for hours. We resort to pounding a piece of rebar in the center and pouring more water in the hole, but we have still found it may take us a couple days of digging a little more and adding more water to get two and a half foot deep.
My CRP grass is green and has some growth and much better than last year. Forbs in the grass are showing slow to moderate growth.
My trees and shrubs are in much better shape than last year. I have many dead trees from last year, including red cedar, siberian elm, cottonwood, hackberry and black walnut. Most my shrubs made it through last year and even my American plums in a shrub row that was planted twelve years ago have their first fruit.
I am certainly glad that it is improved from last year, especially the lower temps. My place is still in a very serious drought conditions. Hot dry winds could do me in. Cooler temps and showers would be wonderful, but with the way the soil is sealed, I can't believe much moisture can be pushed into the sub soil. What is really needed is a nasty wet winter.
The deer are in better flesh this year than last and getting some good antler growth. Last year's antlers were much reduced in base circumference and overall mass. Seeing some fawns. A few elk passed through last week. Saw a turkey hatch near the ranch about a month ago. Made our first sighting of a pheasant hatch on the way to the ranch yesterday. Having some quail decoy us at the ranch, like they are protecting a nest, but no chicks seen yet. Have not seen any lesser prairie chicken since they were dancing on the lek. So far it seems that the turkey, deer, coyotes and rattlesnakes are fairing the best.
Thanks for asking.