low rent bird
just try and find a classic writing on pheasants or for that matter pheasant hunting, good luck with that, there aren't any. all the good stuff is about ruffs, woodcock, quail and snipe. why is that, maybe ya ought to read some and find out. anyway, we didn't get snowed on last night so shoveling is out and I'm bored. I, in fact mostly hunt pheasants now due to location. what I find fascinating about doing so is, one there are usually out in the open and mostly you can watch the dog, mostly. many pheasants as you know really don't like getting pointed and watching the dog try to figure out how to get the job done is what keeps me coming back. on preserve birds, the dog finds a bird and usually that's the end of the game. on wild birds at least half the time it is just starting. on a decent dog, you as you approach the point can see it's eyes, and if careful you can see it's brain working. this happens when the mutt has found a number of pheasants that are spread out to a degree and as they move a bit, you can see the confusion in the dog, you can see the same thing when it is a coyote being pointed. kinda neat. the other high is when the bird decides it has had it with the dog and leaves. then the dog, in my mind, relocates on its own, trying to keep up with the bird, hoping the bird will stop and not bust the bird, takes a lot of luck but watching the dog try is really neat. bogey, my old dog that died last year could very often figure this out, back off and then come in at the bird from a different direction, that, to watch is really special. anyway there are a number of things dogs can do to show they have a few brains, at least as many as your hunting partner usually shows, and that is what makes hunting pheasants with dogs so much fun. you almost never get to see this with the classic game birds because of the cover they are in or like in bobwhites, they usually will hold and not try and sneak off, mostly, buddies are fine, so is the outdoors, the shooting and a few other things but if I didn't have my mutts, after all these years I would stay home. anyway, see ya out there