I’ve done a lot of pheasant hunting over the years but I’ve only quail hunted a few days in 2023 and again about a week ago. Both times I was in Nebraska, which I know is not prime quail country. I found 5 decent sized coveys in 3 days on this most recent trip, similar in 2023. I have a 5yr old GSP who is pretty dialed on pheasants but has the same quail experience as me.
For those of you that have quail hunting experience would this be a good trip, bad trip, average trip? I hunted all public land and I wouldn’t call the conditions ideal (45° sunny, and mostly calm 2 of the 3 days then 20° and a 20+mph wind the last day) but not terrible conditions either.
I’m trying to gauge if I should just keep doing what I’m doing, or if I should go back to the drawing board for location, spots, and strategy.
For those of you that have quail hunting experience would this be a good trip, bad trip, average trip? I hunted all public land and I wouldn’t call the conditions ideal (45° sunny, and mostly calm 2 of the 3 days then 20° and a 20+mph wind the last day) but not terrible conditions either.
I’m trying to gauge if I should just keep doing what I’m doing, or if I should go back to the drawing board for location, spots, and strategy.