what else do you hunt????


New member
I use to be a die hard waterfowl hunter (still do some ) but I have gotten older and prefer chasing ditch chickens anymore!!! I still run rabbits with beagles and shot a deer every year but cant get into the deer hunting either it bores me .I use to chase coon with coon dogs but don't care for that stumblin around in the dark anymore.
Deer hunt a little. Grouse hunt in fall. Woodcock too. Never really hunted waterfowl.

Hunt ducks and geese, but here in MN. it seems to get worse every year, the ducks are in the Dakotas. I'm deer hunting now, but if it wasn't for a budddy who hunts with me, I wouldn't go. What I really like after pheasants, is spring turkey hunting! Travel all over the country chasing them.
Kinda like yourself BG, I used to do the coon dog thing, trap, deer, water foul nut, but ran out of ways to make them try to taste good and cost less then 150$ a bird. So now I just pheasant hunt and do a little deer hunting Bow and gun. And Rufflies (Grouse)Well and the neighborhood barn cats that come around the Pheasant pen.
Ducks and geese. Grouse, woodcock and pheasant. Turkey and deer with the bow. I use to focus on waterfowl but have been focusing on bow hunting in the morning and pheasant hunting mid day and the afternoon. Then back to the bow in the evening. Fall is to short to not get out as much as possible.
I elk hunt every fall and chase deer if I draw a tag. I also do quite a bit of duck hunting a nd a little goose.

I love fly-fishing for trout too!
Pheasant, quail, turkey, deer, and dove. I like to chase pronghorn when I can draw a tag.
I do deer after pheasant / grouse season, but my heart really isn't into it. My passion is birds - maybe if I had any proof that deer exist I might change my mind...
Mostly grouse, pheasant, and turkeys in no real order of favor. Do some squirrels, rabbits, dove, and woodcock. Them 4 are usually shot while after one of the first 3. During the winter and an occasional cool summer day I do some predator hunting mostly coyotes with the occasional fox. I've bear and deer hunted in the past pretty heavy but have somewhat lost interest in it. If I had to limit my hunting to one thing it would most certainly be turkeys if for no other reason that theres much variety in turkey hunting.
I hunt ONLY upland birds. No Deer, Turkey or waterfowl. Just them upland birds mainly Quail, Huns' Chukar, Pheasants. I do hunt a Forest Grouse on occasion......Bob
Pheasant mainly, go dove hunting a couple times a year. Maybe shoot a deer. I do enjoy shooting P-Dogs go a couple times a summer. Calling coyotes is good winter fun also.
Chukar, Quail, Huns, Ducks, Geese, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Bear, Cougar......Fly fishing for trout and steelhead pretty much every free day when not hunting.
My biggest passion in life is hunting mature Whitetails. I AM NOT A MEAT HUNTER!!! Nothing in life compares to that rush in my opinion. I shed antler hunt every spring. Just started Turkey hunting and enjoy that also. I hunt Pheasant now that I have a dog and I've always hunted Ruff Grouse as well. I will also make a few trips for Sharptail next year as well. Having a hunting dog has really changed my hunting.
I went bowhunting this morning and did not see a deer (jumped a spike walking out). I was close by where I killed a couple of gobblers this spring so I took an old shotgun my grandfather owned. It's a Volunteer Arms 12 ga I think from the 1930s. I was standing by the truck and could hear turkeys walking. I tippee toed up the drainage found this young hen.
Now I hunt pheasant,chucker,quail,partridge,ducks and snow geese. I used to take a deer and elk every year but after the kids grew up I quit the big game because the two of us can't eat it all between seasons.I used to run a couple trap lines between 300 to 400 traps for muskrats,otter,mink,beaver,bobcats and lynx but got out when the fur market when south.Did a stint for a couple years as a state taxidermist.
Trip or two to Kansas for quail and phez every year; the quail are about gone here in Arkansas. Woodcock and snipe when they migrate through, big ol Mallards and gadwall almost every day of the waterfowl season, some little geese.

Longbow for deer from early October til upland birds and waterfowl are in, then deer season is over. Late Jan. and Feb. it is rabbits and a beagle, and a grandson for about all the fun an old man can keep up wit

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Birds and More Birds

Quail, dove, turkey, grouse, partridge.
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