What do you think of these carcass trail cam pics


Active member
This doe starved to death and I put a cam on her to see if I could catch some coyotes or something
I got pics of a fawn sleeping next to her for three straight nights on this last night it looked like something pulled the fawn away notice the legs facing the same way but got two more pics after
the next one just standing there.Wierd!

first night



Second night



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I think are actually sad. I know it makes me sad to look at them........Bob
It just goes to show how tough the winter really is here right now. Rude awakening. I wonder if that fawn was just weak and dieing as well, and maybe tried to get up and fell over. Looks like he made it up and stumbled off. Hard to say. But yea thats a bummer. No doubt the critters are in trouble. But enough will prevail and move forward, always do. It is just mother nature at work. Supposed to be 10 below again tonight.:mad:
It is deeply saddening to see chronicled right before our eyes in slow time-lapse what actually goes on out-of-sight, out-of-mind in the world of nature all the time (far more than we care to think about)... Sure is weird how the natural world can so often be dazzling with beauty & splendor one minute, then dark & cruel the very next!!! It's not like we can totally run & hide or stick our head in the sand about it all - guess we just gotta believe that a positive balance is right around the corner with a hopefully good spring & summer! :) :(
I know the Doe is probably bloated, but doesnt look that bad in shape for her to be in starvation. The fawn would be first to go if this was the case due to lack of milk and food.

that Fawn will be just as dead by today. I mean when you went and picked up ur camera up, was the fawn there? tracks?
That doe is the only one that I've seen that died so far the main herd found an unpicked cornfield a 1 1/2 away but a few stay in this grove.
she must of picked something up and got her sick. her back bone doesnt show any signs, to me that is, that she was straving. Its a bad thing though. but if that fawn is still alive, that fawn will pick up with another mother.
there will be some Winter loss and widely spread in MN 010. The doe may have had some other problem, maybe just old? Fawns would normally be the first to go.
Interesting pics. If the fawn was so weak as to crawl off it would have died shortly.
Fawn looks to be in fair condition. No rough spots in the hair. A good sign of health.
In the picture with the legs sticking out strangely from the right hand side I suspect that the fawn is lying down facing away from the camera and the body is just out of the frame.
After looking at the photo and the time of the next photo I would agree that the fawn is probably ok.
WOW!!!! Truly sad. In severe winters the fawns and older bucks are the first to die off. If the winter is bad enough the does will abort the fetus in the womb . I agree with the other posts that there must of been some other under lying factors, because she looked o.k. Thanks for the pic's of wild America.
Moellermd is totally correct. We see the laying down fawns feet only in the pic. You know! if a yote or other predator had got the farwn there would be hair, blood and crap everywhere. Even a weakened fawn would have struggled like heck leaving all kinds of evidence in the snow. the fawn is really doing OK.
I'm going to agree with Bobeyerite. (Sad)
interesting pics Thanks for sharing.