Good points Nimrod about the ecollar. Collar Conditioning is critical for using an ecollar. Sure, some dogs will figure it out, but others will, like mentioned, associate the pressure with the current activity (ie. hunting, swimming, retrieving, etc.). In my opinion the best way to collar condition a dog is after the dog understands the pressure of a choke collar with a lead, and/or a healing stick-all done with basic obedience in yard work. A choke collar is used for the sit, here, and heel commands, and then a healing stick is introduced upon sit. So in the dogs mind the way to beat the pressure is to beat the stick hitting his bottom, thus getting him to sit faster to beat the stick. (This same method is used in "stick fetch" down the road as part of the entire force fetch process.) While all of the basic obedience is being done the ecollar is worn, but not turned on. Once the dog understands how to beat the pressure of a choke chain and heeling stick, then the collar is used in conjunction with the heeling stick and the choke chain (ie. upon teaching sit, which is where I first introduce the collar to dogs, the sequence is "sit" [heeling stick] "sit" then "sit" [heeling stick and a collar nick] "sit", repeat a few times-read the dog- and the "sit" [collar nick] "sit". The dog understands the nick of the ecollar is the same pressure as the heeling stick/choke chain, thus learning how to beat the collar pressure. This process usually takes between a few days and a couple weeks depending on the dog. This is also the time to determine the level of pressure needed. If you know your dog and the pressure required with a choke chain and heeling stick then you coordinate the pressure of the ecollar upon that. Lastly the command not only preceeds the pressure, but it should bracket the pressure. Example "sit" nick "sit" or "whoa" nick "whoa".
Sorry if it was a little hard to follow. Feel free to pm me like Springer, it is faster to respond that way. Take care all! Good hunting this weekend!
Sorry if it was a little hard to follow. Feel free to pm me like Springer, it is faster to respond that way. Take care all! Good hunting this weekend!