What do I do now?


New member
So. I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada. I took the plunge and ordered 100 Pheasants through the grapevine and I am wondering what I do now. I don't really know where to release them, I own acerage and I was wondering: should I release them in a fresh cut corn field with adequate silage for them to eat, it is surrounded by a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees with small patches of thick grass for cover.
Or in a long grass field with a 300x75 yard section of an absolutely thick long grass, again surrounded by the same type of forest, this patch is about 1 forested km away from the corn fields.

What do the birds eat besides Corn? do they eat grass?
Don't release them until they are at least fully feathered, better to be a couple months old. Release them into the tall grass or best cover.
Pheasants eat a lot of stuff, all types of insects. Pheasants love new shoots of most anything green, grass, clovers, alfalfa, love weeds and weed seed. No worries about released pheasants finding food.
It's predation and the elements that will get them.
Don't release them until they are at least fully feathered, better to be a couple months old. Release them into the tall grass or best cover.
Pheasants eat a lot of stuff, all types of insects. Pheasants love new shoots of most anything green, grass, clovers, alfalfa, love weeds and weed seed. No worries about released pheasants finding food.
It's predation and the elements that will get them.

These birds are going to be fully grown when they are released, they are going to be released in october.
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bump... does anybody have any idea where i should release these? i can give a lot more details but I need people to ask what kind, I really need help here
Release them in either location, after a week of being chased by dogs and hunters they will be spread out all over. These birds will travel very far fast to escape pressure. After about a week they'll be showing back up around your pens if they are within a few miles of your release site.
Fowlweather, What is the habitat/cover like right at the vicinity of the pen you are raising your birds in?
Fowlweather, What is the habitat/cover like right at the vicinity of the pen you are raising your birds in?

I am not raising them, i am buying them off of a local raiser, I just shot him an email regarding this. Still waiting for a reply....

the cover that they would be raised in would be the same. They usually get raised to be released on a private island that operates a club. It has exactly the same type of grass cover, food availability and weather.
Sounds to me like the cut corn and stockpiled silage with areas of thick grass is good pheasant country. A ready food supply and cover nearby is always good.
I wouldn't be afraid to let part go in the other area.

Are you releasing pheasants for hunting or trying to get a population established?