What did everyone learn at Pheasant Fest


New member
I ended up not making it to Pheasant Fest but was wondering, what was the one biggest thing everyone learned: habitat, dog training, where to go, new gear, guns etc.

Just wondering
I didn't make it to WI, but I have went to two in the past. The habitat seminars is where I learned the most, but all the varying seminars were very informative. Walking through all the vendor exhibits was like being in pheasant heaven. Are they having one next year and location?
Bucky, it is always hard to pick one thing but the biggest take-away was from Matt Morlocks presentation on the "Economics of CRP". I think the Ohio PF chapter gets credit for this but they created a calculator where a PF Farm Bill Biologist can sit down with a farmer and his yield maps and show him where programs like CP-33, CP 23/25 and SAFE can be more profitable to enroll than to farm that ground.

There are 6 PF Biologists in SD and their roll is to "sell" CRP and with these types of tools and ammo they can really make an impact and persuade farmers. They are starting to think like farmers instead of pheasant hunters and it is helping to influence decision making on the farm for the benefit of all.
I mostly went to dog training seminars, which were very good. I like hearing different trainers techniques or ideas. Kind of funny how one will say never do something and the next says that is the best way to do it. In the end it's what ever works for you I guess.

I was surprised how much I learned from The Game Gourmet, and I wasn't even planning to go, just did it for a friend. All sorts of info on how to freeze game, cut up a pheasant, cut down on bacteria... I wish I could remember it all.
Yes pheasantaddict they are have one in Iowa, Des Monies the end of Feb. 26-28, 2010. It was my first one and I would love to go again:D
I got my glasses cleaned and a shamwow!!
Life is good.:D
I was actually disappointed-was much smaller than last year and attendance was 2/3's of last year. Economy maybe?

one safe company-was looking to compare and buy as Im fairly local
No Mother vests
no good deals on avery bumpers
not much in the way of artwork
Had cash burning a hole in my pocket and didnt buy a darn thing