What are you doing to get ready for the upcoming season?

I went and scouted a place near the Canadian. Many sharptail, brought my cousin. Many turkey, lots of pheasants. My cousin started talking to this guys wife, and sure enough we got permission.
Nobody would grant permission to that type of person alone. Goose needs to be there as the "voice of reason", as it were, to ensure for the landowner that nothing will get out of hand (the occasional hen being acceptable collateral damage). Makes perfect sense. 😆
Today my 10 week old puppy flushed a rooster in my yard.Proud dad fo sho. I changed the oil in my pick up, called my cousin, called my nephew. Took my a5 out and wd40d it. Looked for my license. Bought my puppy a florescent collar.Bought a 7 gallon water jug. Bought a case of pbr. Bought some egg noodles.
In addition to all the gym work and hiking, lately I've been cutting hedge posts for a cousin. Over 250 so far, sawing about 2-2 1/2 hours at a time. At 70 years old it's getting kind of tiring. Also gone through about 3 boxes of clays over the last couple months. Sure looking forward to that pheasant trip vacation!