We Remember


New member
To all of my friends....known and to those I have yet to meet.

I was talking with some fellows about the 10th anniversary of Sept 11th. Tomorrow.
How much has changed in the world for better and some for worst.

As we as sportsmen take to the fields and streams of our great countries in pursuit of passions (hunting & fishing).....Let us remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy today. Your sacrifice has not been in vain.
God Bless America and Canada

Amen. Invite those who put their lives on the line to hunt/fish with you this year.
I have extented invites to numerous servicemen to hunt on my land this year and if you own or have access to good hunting or fishing lands I sure hope you will do the same.:cheers:
Couldn't have said it better myself..well written

I want to thank all our Canadian brothers and sisters for standing with America in our time of need. God Bless you all:10sign:
Great post. I can't believe it's already been 10 years. I was staining some cabinets when my boss came in yelling expletives and told us the news. I was floored... it didn't even seem real.
Good Post. I was getting dressed for work, watching the news of the 1st plane in the 1st tower. Thinking how could a pilot make such an error. When the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower, right in front of my eyes, on the tv. Like everyone, I knew we were under attack.
I was not around during Pearl Harbor, meaning not born yet, but I was stationed on Ford Island not 100 yards from the Arizona. It was a constant reminder of the price of Freedom, as is sept. 11 2001.

God bless those who lost their lives, those who risked their lives,and those who will risk their lives.
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