Watch Out Minnesota!


Well-known member
Beware! Zeb and Elle are heading up to the Park Rapids area to hunt some Ruffies with mnmthunting. We will be leaving bright and early Monday morning. It's been nearly 40 years since I last hunted Ruffed Grouse. Can't wait to make the trip. Should be a beautiful time of year up there. I just hope this nice weather holds out for us. Pics to come later.
Enjoy the fall weather. Fall color should be at or close to full bloom up in that neck of the woods and don't forget about Mr. Timberdoodle. :10sign:
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We had killing frost up here on the 12th and 13th. Leaves are falling early and the peak colors are early.
stiff breeze yesterday, looking down the driveway it's carpeted with leaves.
Yes, this week will be peak color in N MN.

High 60's for Mon and Tues with a passing shower?
Not to bad, last few days in the mid 80's to warm.
Heres the palace that George and I and the pups will be staying.
And how it is decorated. :eek:
Have fun guys. Let us know how thing go up there:):thumbsup:
Well, things didn't go quite as planned. We hunted yesterday afternoon and again this morning. Yesterday we saw one grouse. A wild flush that I took a "Hail Mary" shot at. We thought we heard two others but couldn't be sure. This morning, nothing. It wasn't for lack of effort. We logged a lot of miles and Elle and Woody worked the woods hard. Yesterday Elle pointed a Woodcock that I missed as it zipped around a bush. Just not many grouse in Wayne's area. So with the incoming weather I headed home. Elle did find big supply of deer ticks. She had quite a few on her. She has Frontline on so nothing was attaching. Just to be safe I gave her a bath with flea & tick shampoo when we got home.

No birds = no pics! :(
Too bad, George. Would assume there are still lots of leaves to come down. Oh well, you managed to get some exercise.

Where will you be for the SD opener? And, how's the back holding up?
Back is doing great. But I'm out of shape and the walking the past couple days let me know it. Hip flexers are really sore. But now I have a sore wrist that has been bothering me for the past 3 weeks and won't get better. So Friday I see the orthopedic doctor. Get one thing fixed an another issue pops up. :mad:
Grouse situation really sucks up here.
We have all the brush and habitat imaginable, no grouse, or few.
Elle worked hard, covered a lot of ground.
I think Woody and Elle out in pheasant country would be fun. :)
Well George, one good thing, :confused: no birds to clean. :cheers:
Grouse situation really sucks up here.
We have all the brush and habitat imaginable, no grouse, or few.
Elle worked hard, covered a lot of ground.
I think Woody and Elle out in pheasant country would be fun. :)
Well George, one good thing, :confused: no birds to clean. :cheers:

LOL Wayne there is always a silverlining. :D
A couple of hard winters on the birds hasn't helped! I know when I have to shovel off the roof up North more than twice in a year, that's a lot of snow!

Good for the sleds....bad for the birds!