

I had the wife go in to get some ice cream , she went to wally world and there was people in line at 5pm this evening for those specials at 5am tomorrow. Most, she asked because she couldn't believe it, were after a tom-tom for 60 $, she went to kame a part and decided to buy one too, she paid 79$:D. hard to believe someone will wait over 12hrs in line to fight over saving 19-20$. Does this go on in every town or are they just nuts here.
There are people here that fill their carts 12 hrs. early and then go to the furniture dept. and chill waiting for the opener and then get in line!!! I personally don't go, I wait till Christmas eve. and go have fun!!! No wonder there are no items left at the start of the sale! Oh well!!! Hope everyone had a great T-Day!!:thumbsup:

95% of the people that the news interviewed on black Friday, where shopping for gifts for "Themselves"

If that doesn't show just how far this country has slipped into the gutter, nothing does. ME, ME, ME

Christmas shopping should be for others..give the gift of giving
95% of the people that the news interviewed on black Friday, where shopping for gifts for "Themselves"

If that doesn't show just how far this country has slipped into the gutter, nothing does. ME, ME, ME

Christmas shopping should be for others..give the gift of giving

OKKKKKKKKK....wow:confused: It might be goofy to sit out all night but I think no matter who they are shoping for it is good for the economy. I don't think it has anything to do with the US slipping into the gutter. Is there another country you would rather live in? We are not going to read about you in the news are we?
Well you wouldn't find me with a hook in my mouth being dragged into any store on what amounts to a materialistic retailers holiday for most. Christmas is too calibrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ but few even remember that fact. Just ask any kid, "Whats Christmas about?" Toys, video games, Etc..LOTS OF PRESENTS. Many adults never grow out of it and just want bigger more expensive toys and video games(stuff). Except now they give themselves gifts. Greed is a what it's about, it's everywhere you look and "ME" is the most important #1 person.

If I spend the holidays with my wife, two sons and my 79 year old parents. I have gotten the best gift anybody could have given me. No amount of money or gift could replace it.

In years past, I have went with my sons and dad and cut a tree on Christmas eve from our woods. We took it home and all of us decorated it. I fired up the wood cook stove and made Christmas dinner in it's oven. Me and my father enjoyed a couple of cocktails and enjoyed reminiscing old hunting stories or Christmas's past. The smell of my mothers home made pies and fresh bread hot from the oven. We may haven even taken a walk for a Grouse or two before dinner. Enjoyed snacks like smoked oysters, sharp cheddar cheese, dips, crackers, chips, Etc. How could you top that as a gift? you can't. You don't buy that at Wal-mart or Best Buy. We would open one or two gifts each(sometimes something very nice, like a gun for my sons or father or something as nice for the lady's) and that's it. Another gift we don't get....a mail box full of credit card bills to start the new year.

The only way you would find me on the news is if you made me go shopping on "Black Friday" No way, No how could I put up with the materialistic wacko's hell bent on giving themselves the best gift ever.

You know I can remember Christmases like that at my Grandparents house in Missouri. We were really lucky to have experienced such holidays and such great times. Yeh kids can no more tell you about the true meaning of Christmas and it really pi??es me of when you see someone write Christmas this way xmas
Some people have no idea I am sorry to say. I hope everyone had a great turkey day and will have a GREAT CHRISTMAS day. Remember your blessings, and our troops all over the world. They will be away from their family on Christmas day keeping us safe so some a??hole can write xmas without any reprocussions.
God Bless Everyone and have a safe and wonderful year.
As an additional note, my wife works at Macys here in Colorado Springs, and she worked on Black Friday starting at 4:30 am and worked until 1pm and she sold $6,000 ,her alone so you can imagine what the store sold on that day. I know but she said that it is not for public info.
Onpoint= You put that so perfectly I can't believe what I read. I have been fighting my Wife on the "Multitude" of gifts under teh tree for the boys every year!! I wish we could go back to simpler times!!