Wal Mart wanting to elim Sporting Goods Dept?


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I live in Wichita, KS, have lived in the immediate vicinity most of my life except for the 4 years I moved away (will be 30 in 8 days :eek:) so our area has always had wal mart in one way or another and ive seen how the store has changed for what I would consider the worse. Im somewhat partial to the place as I grew up with it in the smaller town (outside of wichita) I lived in, my best friends mother who just has a HS Education has worked there most of her life and has made a helluva living working her way up...however I cringe more and more everytime I go in there. I bet Sam Walton has to be rolling over in his grave as I dont believe what it has morphed into is what he envisioned.

Well for those of you that dont know much about Wichita, if you measure the population in what I would call the greater Metro area Id wager we are very close to 500,000 if not greater. So not a huge metropolis but big enough.

There are 6 Wal Marts in the city limits, you may be able to double or triple that store # if you include the ones within 60 miles of city limits.

All the ones in city limits used to sell guns. Now only one does. All the wal marts used to have a rather large ammo selection, now since all of the stores in town have done a sporting goods dept remodel and rearranged the counters (partially I believe so they dont have to staff someone there) the ammo selection has been cut back drastically. Since late Summer and this past fall not much is in stock (although I partially blame that on the ammo fear mongers).

Ive also noticed since they have done the remodel there is a very limited supply of anything gun related from cleaning kits, cleaning supplies, hunting clothing (There was hardly anything to choose from this year at all!) targets, you name it.

I went looking for some gloves and I dont recall even seeing any. I recall when I was younger and in high school that as the season rolled around the dept would be overflowing with the stuff and most of the general clothing was not that bad (ie upland vests, bibs etc).

Im still a guy who cant justify paying full retail on things mainly because I tend to be conservative with my money.

Are you guys noticing the same things in your area? I really dont understand it. Its like the people running the place are left wing extremists and have this OCD desire to be way too Politically correct. For God Sakes you cant even buy a toy gun or cap gun in the place anymore.

I know a lot of things boil down to dollars and cents, as maybe the area is not as profitable as others, but theres no way the area just becomes non profitable overnite, they have the buying power and distribution power to make anything virually profitable. I understand business's role is to make money but theres a fine line and I think they are starting to cross it with me.

Target used to have a sporting goods dept when i was a little kid - it has since vanished, K mart back in the day, I havent been in a Kmart in years but I doubt they have one either.

Im just going to have to turn to reloading and buying all of my stuff off the internet. The only thing I will buy from small local stores is used and new guns. Most of their ammo is a rip off and if I bought it at the prices they charged I wouldnt be able to afford to hunt or shoot.

Im just afraid if wal mart gets rid of the gun/ammo dept that there will be more people leave the shooting sports and hunting just like the disease of leasing and horn chasing has caused many to leave the sport of hunting.

I like more of us on the same side, theres safety in numbers when it comes to voting and sportsman related issues.

Have you noticed this where you live? Anyone have any explanation for why they are doing this?

I know me personally, as hard as it will be since the store is a mile away but I will try my damndest to never buy anything in the place again and switch to Target if Wal Mart quits selling ammo/hunting related sporting goods.
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It's funny that you mention this as I was born and raised in Wichita myself I never noticed it slipping away until this last hunting season. I was in the South, GA to be exact and Walmart had plenty of choices to choose from when it came to hunting gear including guns, when I came back up to the Denver Metro Area and went to walmart not thinking and just assuming it would have the same equipment I soon realized there were no guns and a very small amount of gear in their sporting section. I went to visit my parent who still live in Wichita and found the same thing that the "sporting goods" section was very limited. I think it may have to do with the market as well as other larger 100% sporting good stores making it non profitable for places like Walmart. It sucks but I go to Gander Mountain or Bass Pro Shop strictly for my gear. Just my humble opinion on the whole thing.
Maybe its a regional thing then, but I know the ones Ive been to in smaller towns, Garden City, KS for example have scaled down dramatically this year. (Garden City's sporting goods dept used to be huge! I hunt there all the time and used to live there after college) Now its a tiny microcosm of what it was and the closest sporting goods only store is 200 miles away in Wichita!

My favorite store (Sportsman's Warehouse) closed down a year or so ago due to their bankruptcy filing. According to the local paper when they shuttered the store it was their most profitable, however it was just too far from the distribution centers to keep open so they closed it.

I personally hate the Gander Mountain we have here. I'll go look around every now and again but their selection of boots blows, their clothing is overpriced (i can get the same and better stuff at Sports authority for way less), their guns are way overpriced and their ammo is even more expensive than most of the mom and pop shops. Ive bought maybe 5 items from this store and thats it. Cabela's even seems to be more reasonably priced than these people.

No bass pro here (although to talk about that will get me started an another tirade about our local govt - Bass Pro was supposed to be built where Gander Mountain is now but the City dropped the proverbial ball big time).
Wal-mart in Pierre, sd isnt much better. mostly has .22 rifles and the shotgun shells on the shelf are almost obsolete. sports wear and clay is still in good shape but id say the hunting dept has roughly 2 rows of stuff... it used to be bigger.

sportsman warehouse. that was a good store... but from my wife's friend that was a manager of one in Sioux Falls, SD says it was because they opened too many stores at once and couldnt pay for the products they were signed to pay.
I also have seen the decline in sporting goods at Walmart. Two stores one 30 miles north and one 30 miles south of my home town Garnett Ks. Maybe we should all complain with a letter to Walmart Corp Office or publicly on something such as Twitter. I'm not sure they are on Twitter but something like that might get some results. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so to speak
the one down here in tahlequah oklahoma fortunatly has a real good selection on gear,guns and ammo they even have a book you can special order a gun if they don't have it on the shelf, i've heard the same thing about them getting rid of their guns also heard it was because of some liability issue with the guns don't really know though. my brother lives in tulsa and their selection varies frome store to store so i wonder if it has something to do with the sports department manager in each individual store if they are not interested in the outdoors then their department will suffer but ours here the guy is an outdoors person, so as for the real reason or if there is any truth to wal-mart will completely do away with the outdoors department only time will tell , one last thought " squeaky wheel gets the grease" so if enough people complain then maybe they will listen and continue to have all the things we need to enjoy the outdoors.
We have two Wal*Mart stores. On of them has stopped selling guns, although they do have plenty of ammo. I asked them why, and they said the sales volume didn't justify the floor space, they were selling only 3-4 guns per month, and they've expanded their fishing supplies which they sell lots more of. The other store still has a dozen guns in stock, and can order almost any long gun you might want. WM has never sold pistols AFAIK.

In this town there's just too much competition. Academy has several hundred guns on the shelf, Dick's has about a hundred, and three substantial local shops have hundreds each.

The bottom line is - WM stocks what sells. If they could sell a thousand guns a month, the store would be half guns.
Exactly right. To Wal-Mart, the bottom line is $. For every square foot of space they have, they want to make X amount of profit. If a product isn't selling at the profit amount they require, they want it replaced with one that does. I work for a company that is supplies them. It is crazy the amount of data collection they have to track profits by item. Like was said above, if more guns sold, they'd have more guns taking up shelf space. There are 4 Wal-Marts within 10 miles of my house. Two still carry guns, two just carry ammunition. Most of what they have in stock doesn't interest me, but they do have the special order catalog as mentioned above. You can order some pretty nice/high dollar guns out of there, not just the run of the mill Savage combo gun they keep on the shelf.
I agree with what is being said about Wal Mart being a profit machine but you should come look at some of the ammo they stock in the stores.

If its a computer doing the ordering the program is seriously F'd up and if its a person doing the ordering Id like to smoke what they are smoking.

I live in KS - No one, I mean Absolutely no one on Gods Green earth that deer hunts here uses buck shot to shoot a deer. The only reason they would sell it would be home defense or possibly someone shooting at coyotes, but at the start of deer season when it took me searching every store in town to find 270 ammo, they had over a case of it in stock (at the store near my house) and when I checked the other day I think most of it was still there. The 2 or 3 stores I checked before deer season for ammo also had a ton of 7mm, 7mm mag, 7mm-08 (or some wierd rendition of it), some other big cannon rounds that hardly anyone uses either, but not a drop of 30-06, 270, 243 etc. (Surprisingly enough this weekend they had about 5 boxes of 270 ammo, I was blown away.) One thing I have not seen any of is 308 ammo. I havent seen that on a store shelf in a long time.

The ammo shortage and not having it in stock is probably another animal and another another story. I will not ever if I can help it buy any ammo from Gander Mountain or a place that will charge me retail and a half for ammo and make it so expensive I cant afford to shoot my guns.

I still kinda think its a bunk notion that they would not sell hunting related stuff where I live. The sport is very popular.

As far as not all stores not selling guns I can see that, but even the store employees at the one I go to said they dont know whats going on as they were very surprised at the remodel/rearranging of the store and the lack of hunting/shooting supplies. I think they nearly doubled their space devoted to electronics.

From the sounds of some of you guys it seems that the departments are still what they used to be and still carry a large selection of items. If I ever think of it, the next time Im in there buying some bulk stuff I'll try and remember to take my camera with me and take a picture. I think these store remodels and cutbacks will eventually be nationwide. They are probably going the way of Target to just eliminate that section all together.

As Ive said, at that point they will have probably pissed me off enough they will have lost all of my business. Not that I think they'd care, but its the principle of the matter. My bulk goods household maintenance and food purchases I can probably either purchase online or just go to my local Kroger (Dillons) and purchase. I'll pay more to do either at that point.
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On a recent trip to Little Falls MN I stopped at the Walmart to buy a fishing license and was blown away by the amount of ammo they had. Our stores around here don't have 10% of what they did out there and also in a variety of calibers like usually only found in a good gun store. They even carried a few Weatherby calibers which is rare for any shop. I didn't pay attention to the number of guns they had but they did have some.

I was so impressed with it I even made a comment to the guy that was with me about there being such an inventory.

Matt D
are you kidding me????? You should be tickled pink and doing a happy dance that wally is getting out of the shooting sports. Ive seen small business after small business go under as the supercenters open up. The trickle down effect is astronomical with the number of people affected after a wally opening.
I avoid wally at all costs
our wal mart in n central iowa is the same. hardly any ammo or fishing supplies. i love it. i hate going into walmart. we have a mills fleet farm. excellent supply of stuff and knowledgable staff. not like the blue vest makes me an expert staff at wally world.
fishing supplies are huge and thats because we are right along the missouri river... hunting supplies... just mainly .22 rifles and declining of shotgun shells.
i'm with you guys i try to avoid it if i can at all costs i call it the "evil empire" they have 30 checkout lines with only 2 checkers :mad::mad:
are you kidding me????? You should be tickled pink and doing a happy dance that wally is getting out of the shooting sports. Ive seen small business after small business go under as the supercenters open up. The trickle down effect is astronomical with the number of people affected after a wally opening.
I avoid wally at all costs

Please don't ban them altogether, the company I work for, and our stock price depends on people buying dairy products at Walmart. That's 6,000+ in the US alone working for a company that succeeds because Walmart succeeds. Thats trickle down.
If my memory serves correct I think Michael Moore happened to Walmart.
Are Wal-Mart here in Loveland has a few guns, but the ammo is only there at the start of the season. Now what is left is steel shot in 6,7,8, why I do not know. Some lead in dove loads. Sportsmans here is finally stocked better after there troubles, but at this time not a real selection left on goose or pheasant loads.
Are Wal-Mart here in Loveland has a few guns, but the ammo is only there at the start of the season. Now what is left is steel shot in 6,7,8, why I do not know. Some lead in dove loads. Sportsmans here is finally stocked better after there troubles, but at this time not a real selection left on goose or pheasant loads.[/QUOTE

Alot of this happened to K-mart and Walmart after Columbine School was hit. There was alot of pressure put on by the parents of victims, and alot of Organizations.
In Florida all new Wal-Marts do not carry guns and if it doesn't fit behind the counter they don't sell it. I have been forced to but local or travel to the larger chain store like Bass Pro or Gander Mountain and order over the internet. Basically lose lose senerio Pay higher price locally, pay the gas bill or shipping cost. I usually chose the lesser of the evils.
About the mom and pop shops, there are 2 here close to home that I will never shop at. The first one I used to shop at would not sell me primers unless I purchased bullets, when he did not have the bullets I wanted, he still would not sell me primers. Oh well, just lost a customer for life. The other one asked me what I was looking for when I was looking at pistols and I told him I was not quite sure. He said, well how in the fnnn can I help you if you do not even know what the fnnn you want. What the hell????? There is one in Ft. Morgan that this old timer has that I like. He will chat with you for hours if you let him. Can't even see his counter there is so much clutter. Wanted some dies for reloading and he said he thought he had some somewhere. Comes back and had a twenty year old set of dies that were new . That's awesome