

Super Moderator
I figure with all the uprising in the world we need to have one of our own. It is time that we destroy this disease that occupies endless hours of our time and has us mesmerized. My plan is that we pick a date and time, all log on, and start posting and PM as fast as we can. Lets see how good these servers really are. Maybe we can break the bonds that keep us tied to the computer.
Why do that? Us older folks would have serious Mental Health problems without our daily UPH fix..........Bob
I'm notifying Al Gore the invitor of the internet. He never intented the web to be used as a weopon, and he's going to be mad:mad:. He invented it for world peace and a place to scare the heck out of us about global warming:eek: Shame on all of you:mad: You want to destroy the one peaceful spot left in the world:mad:
start posting and PM as fast as we can. Lets see how good these servers really are. Maybe we can break the bonds that keep us tied to the computer.

My wife would love that:D --1pheas4