Ukraine-Russia war

I am sure you will be a good steward of that pasture ground. I like the way you operate. I do hope you get more alfalfa in as I believe it is the best cash crop for wildlife.

As a aside , what does hemp look like as a cash crop in relation to wildlife?

Hunted a 5 acre hemp plot last year. Birds had been using it for sure. We didn't kill any from it but being first time on that farm would hunt it differently in the future.
Hunted a 5 acre hemp plot last year. Birds had been using it for sure. We didn't kill any from it but being first time on that farm would hunt it differently in the future.
Did you have to do a background check to get on the property to hunt? In our state anyone on a hemp farm for any activity must pass a federal background check and be listed as persons allowed to be there.