U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona killed, 12 shot

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U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head while holding a public event in Tucson, according to medial reports.

Up to 12 others were injured after an unidentified gunman ran up and began shooting indiscriminately as Giffords addressed supporters outside a Safeway grocery store, The Associated Press reported.

Giffords was shot point blank in the head, according to Fox News.

Giffords, who was re-elected to her third term in November, was hosting her first "Congress on Your Corner" event at the Safeway in northwest Tucson, NPR reported.

The gunman was in custody, according to media reports.

Giffords, 40, a Democrat, is married to U.S. astronaut Mark Kelly. She took office in January 2007, emphasizing issues such as immigration reform, embryonic stem-cell research, alternative energy sources and a higher minimum wage.

Earlier events in Tucson, Oro Valley, Green Valley, Sierra Vista, and Douglas had attracted between at least a crowd of 150, according to a statement announcing the event.

Something was in the breaking news that said something to do with a Sara Palin speech had something to do with the shooting. It was then removed. It will be interesting just what lead to this shooters motive.

Now being released, the Congree women in dead, 12 others shot and 7 dead

Crazy, It will be very interesting to hear what comes of this mess. News here in Arizona states Giffords and 4 other people comfired dead including one child. very sad:( Know there are saying she's alive but in critical condition. Guess will have to let the dust settle....
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A spokes person for the sheriff's office is now saying 18 shot, 6 confirmed dead including a child. It was also said a federal judge is among the wounded.

Time will tell as you said JMC.

Prayers going out to all those involved.
Apparently she was on Sarah Palin's "hit list" as a liberal Democrat to be defeated, that list has been taken down, since the incident. My guess is it has nothing to do with political agenda at all, just another nut. Problem is for all of us, this will energize the anti gun extremists, and we will have to weather another storm of calls to restrict everything from BB guns to assault rifles, even our scatterguns. News says a 22 year old shooter, with a semi-auto pistol and extended magazine. Can't imagine the kind of anger, hopelessness it takes to push a 22 year old to something like this. Prayers and best wishes to the dead and injured.
Apparently she was on Sarah Palin's "hit list" as a liberal Democrat to be defeated, that list has been taken down, since the incident. My guess is it has nothing to do with political agenda at all, just another nut. Problem is for all of us, this will energize the anti gun extremists, and we will have to weather another storm of calls to restrict everything from BB guns to assault rifles, even our scatterguns. News says a 22 year old shooter, with a semi-auto pistol and extended magazine. Can't imagine the kind of anger, hopelessness it takes to push a 22 year old to something like this. Prayers and best wishes to the dead and injured.

You all might want to let the dust settle , before you comment on this. Facts are not set in stone. News media is running of at the mouth, like they always do, running with a scope. Mis-information is abound. lets let the facts come forward, before jumping off the deep end. Just saying.
You all might want to let the dust settle , before you comment on this. Facts are not set in stone. News media is running of at the mouth, like they always do, running with a scope. Mis-information is abound. lets let the facts come forward, before jumping off the deep end. Just saying.

I agree, I was watching the fox news and the reporter was interviewing a senator from AZ. and she made a comment on how the tea party was using attack adds during the congress woman Gabby re-election campaign and I thought to myself why make a statement like that how pathetic that was :mad:
This was a sad deal no doubt. Just keep fighting for your rights, no sportsman did this, neither did the gun, as said a NUT did it. My guns never kill any one. Who knows antis could pull this crap just to light a fire.
This was a sad deal no doubt. Just keep fighting for your rights, no sportsman did this, neither did the gun, as said a NUT did it. My guns never kill any one. Who knows antis could pull this crap just to light a fire.

GREAT POINT Fcs, The media has mad insane claims , I wish they would shut up, until they have facts. Don't think this guy is a vet. Let's just see the facts. Let the dust settle.:)
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